View Full Version : Worst panic attack ever!

16-06-08, 09:27
Hiya all

Well, I can safely say that I am now allergic to caffeine, I had the worst panic attack ever on Saturday, it's not just the attack itself but where it happened.

My fiancé loves playing cricket, infact he plays for a team in Canterbury and plays all the Canterbury and Dover teams in a league. He lost on Saturday and was unlucky enough to be bowled out after he made 2 runs! During the game I was bored so every now and then I went inside and I made a cup of tea. By about 6 I was starting to feel anxious, shakey and some what teary (almost cried ...). Because of my fiancés mood he wanted me to go home at 7, when my anxiety was peaking.

I got on the bus, which is a 30 minute journey, and as the journey progressed I started feeling more and more anxious and a panic attack started.

By the time I had to get off the bus my arms and legs were starting to cramp. I was so scared as to how I was going to get off this bloomin' bus! I punched the button to make the bus stop because my hands had cramped completely and I couldn't open up my hand. I waddled off the bus and started making my way home. Unfortunaly I didn't make it all the way and I collapsed :weep:

I took me five long minutes for me to grab a pass-by's attention because everybody else was just walking and driving past me! I got him to call my Dad and later on the police came by. The woman was trying to calm me down whilst the man was talking to my Dad, who hadn't a clue what was going on. Infact, she was so close to calling for an ambulance to take me to hospital because my cramps were so tight and so painful, and I was still grasping for air!

My Mum came by as she came back from work and she looked after me when waiting for a paramedic, who then calmed me down. He helped me release my cramps and assisted me to my Mum's car to take me home.

Today I still feel exhausted and sore. Where my head hit the path it still hurts. I feel so embarrased and depressed, how one earth could I let an attack like this happen? I never felt so scared and so strongly about killing myself! I felt that suicide at that time was the only way out, especially where this attack was lasting for 2 hours, it didn't feel like it was ever going to end!

I really need a cuddle and a 'there there' :emot-fail:

16-06-08, 15:06
:hugs: :hugs: Poor old you...that sounds so traumatic. I have had similar experiences, I remember once on a Channel crossing getting in such a panic that my hands became 'paralysed' in a fist and I couldn't open them. Terrifying. I know what it's like...horrible! xxx

Cathy V
16-06-08, 15:15
Its surprising what extreme fear and tension can do! sounds as if you did have some reaction to all the cafeine too. I have to drink decaff tea and coffee whenever poss coz i get really shaky and my heart becomes really ectopic if i drink too much caffeine.

Hope you feel better soon
Cathy xxx :flowers: Oh and....'there, there' :D

16-06-08, 15:16
That's exactly what my hands were like! But the muscles in my wrists and arms started cramping too so my arm was curling in. And my legs too.

The most painful thing ever!!!!

milly jones
16-06-08, 15:57
jadie hun

a big hug to u and my thoughts are with u

this is such a dreadful illness hun

best wishes

milly xx :hugs:

16-06-08, 17:22
Awww Jadey, poor u.


Iv never had one as bad as that, sounds awful.

Hope u feeling ok now

love mandie x

17-06-08, 09:58
Thanks for the kind messages :) it's Tuesday and my legs still really ache and I'm getting a headache where I bashed my head but I'm fine.

17-06-08, 10:27
Hi Jadey, sorry to hear what happened. I used to have panic attacks just like that, and I overcome them by carrying Diazepam. It's not and ideal solution, but sometimes knowing that you have them can stop panic, and if you do panic, they will relax your muscles so preventing them going into spasm.


17-06-08, 10:36
Hi Jadey

Sorry to hear about that, it must have been absolutely awfull for you. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


17-06-08, 10:52
I just found this site this morning & can't tell you how great it is to know there are other people going through the same as me (sorry if that sounds callous but I'm sure you know what I mean!)
After 18 months of me strongly suspecting I have a brain tumour / MS / stroke etc etc, I plucked up the courage to see my GP yesterday & he instantly diagnosed panic disorder (of course I'm not sure he hasn't missed some serious underlying cause...)
Prescribed Citalopram, took one 20mg yesterday am and promptly had 'mild' panic attack, which continued most of the day. Then at 4am today, had the worst panic attack ever (but not as severe as the one you describe you poor thing, I totally sympathise). My husband is working away, home with just my 12 year old son, I'm trying to keep his mum's lunacy a secret from him as it is exam time and I don't want him to pick up on all my anxiety anyway.
Decided not to carry on with the Citalopram as after reading the possible side effects I of course imagined I was developing them all.
Felt so sure I was dying at 4am today that I had the phone in my hand to call my Dad who lives nearby...he has just had a heart attack AND a broken leg and the last thing he needs is me stressing him out. In the cold light of day today I was so pleased I hadn't rung him.
Today I feel dizzy, disconnected, sick, ringing ears etc etc but honestly, reading this site has been so reassuring in a strange way. I get loads of flashing lights etc in my eyes all the time, and reading other posts with identical symptoms was so amazing that I just burst into tears!
My greatest respect and sympathy goes to all the other posters on here...unless you have been through it yourself it's impossible to really understand. Lou XXX