View Full Version : update

24-11-03, 16:08

just thought I'd update you on how I'm doing.

I started getting panic attacks about 6 weeks ago, the first one happened at night just as I was trying to get off to sleep. So from there on in for about the last 5 weeks or so, I've had constant anxiety as soon as the evening kicks in, worrying that I may have another panic attack (I tried hypnotic tapes but couldn't seem to concentrate on them).

Anyway, at first I would go to bed at my usual time and just lie there in bed fighting off the waves of anxiety and panic until I gradually fell to sleep (which would take ages) and I'd wake up feeling terrible.

I don't do that now and have taken positive steps to avoid an attack.
I really wind down before bedtime, have cammomile tea, read, have a bath, I take Bachs flower remedy, (I've even treated myself to neck face and head massages which I feel have really helped). I have to stay up until I can really no longer keep my eyes open (even if it's 2.00am!), then I go up to bed and usually am straight off into the land of nod, most of time sleeping straight through until the morning - avoiding an attack - which makes me feel very positive in the mornings. I have broken the routine a few times and the panic feelings kick in as soon as I just lie there and let my mind wander, so I have to stay patient and keep up my routine.

Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that this is what I have to deal with now every night now for as long as the attacks take to go/pass. I don't know when they will go but I believe that if I stick to a real winding down routine in the evening and make sure that I don't lay in bed and let my mind wander, then I can usually get a semi-decent nights sleep - and that in itself will hopefully break the cycle of these anxiety/panic feelings.

Most importantly, I'm coping which is the main thing and gradually learning what 'feeds the dragon' and what doesn't.

Yesterday (sunday) I had a few panic 'waves'(didn't go into a full attack) and stayed a bit anxious all evening but got a good nights sleep thankfully. This morning on the bus into work, I had another panic feeling - I don't know what brought this on as I only usually get attacks at night - but thinking back to Saturday night I went to a party and drank quite a bit of red wine. I haven't been drinking much in general because I feel that it's fueling as oppose to helping my attacks (even though it does make me feel quite relaxed). So, I think I'm going to really really try to cut down on drinking altogether to see what happens.

I've been on a beta blocker a day (80mg) for the last 2 weeks which I'm sure is helping me and I've got another 2 weeks left of them, so I'm hoping if I stick to my bedtime routine, really cut out the alcohol, and also keep going to the gym, I will eventually break the cycle of these attacks.

I feel positive which is the main thing.

Love Jenniex


24-11-03, 16:21
Hi Jennie
Thats great that you are feeling so positive!
Sounds like you are taking the right steps mate!
I had friends round for tea yesterday and as soon as they turned up i felt the first waves of panic set in. Managed to talk myself out of it and had a great evening.
Its a great feeling when you can finally help yourself to stop the panic eh?
keep at it ...nice work
love Sarah

24-11-03, 19:33
Hi Jennie & Sarah

I too felt anxious all weekend but managed to do my best to prevent a full blown attack...Maybe there was something in the air this weekend!! I too was out on Saturday night and had a few vodka's which I new would make me feel anxious the following day but I wanted to let my hair down for a change. I've only recently started to have a few drinks since my panic attacks started 3 years ago because I hate not being in control of my body(hope that makes sense!)

I am at present trying to stop taking Venlafaxine at the moment and I feel I am a bit more panicky than usual and hoping these feelings will pass. I also find night time is when I seem to suffer more symptoms and when I am on my own.

Anyway, you both seem to be handling your anxiety very well. Keep up the good work. I think I am getting much better at talking myself round since I now understand why its happening and what triggers my attacks. Take care..
