View Full Version : Small setback

16-06-08, 12:24
I've been on 20mg Citalopram for 5 months and for the last few weeks have felt pretty much like my old self. I almost dared believe that I was finally cured! Until a couple of months back I still used to suffer from what I called "morning jitters" i.e. I would sometimes wake up feeling really ill and get the runs. I haven't had it for weeks until this morning :-( I did have a particularly stressful and busy weekend and also went out for a chinese and to someone's house for a bbq - both of these things would have caused me a lot of anxiety until recently, but I really enjoyed myself and felt proud I'd conquered the fear of feeling ill on such occasions. So why did I feel crap this morning? Delayed reaction perhaps? I made myself go to work and I feel absolutely fine now. I still have an awful lot of stress in my life - Lord knows what I'd be like now if it wasn't for the tablets!!! Is 5 months long to be on these tablets? Will I continue to improve? Will I be "cured" once most of my stress has gone away, there is a light at the end of the tunnel which means that (fingers crossed) my life will become less stressful in the not too distant future?

I just feel really disappointed with myself this morning.

16-06-08, 13:43
Don't be disappointed in yourself Mumof2.

You've had a busy weekend and it's probably taken it's toll on you. Well done on making it into work.

I focus on the good days and how many of those I have compared to bad days. One bad day isn't a set back - we can't be up all the time.

Hugs to you :hugs: and try and relax a little this evening.

16-06-08, 13:57
Hi Mumof2,

Given what you have come through,is it unreasonable to expect a few setbacks along the way?
Put in context,in general terms,you are doing really well compared with how bad things were.
Keep believing in yourself.
Best wishes,