View Full Version : more heart issues!

16-06-08, 15:42

Im having 'heart issues' again! I just always think there is something wrong with it and its really getting me down. Iv had a few ECG's - they were all normal and any blood test iv ever had says the same.

I am almost always aware of my heart beating,particularly pronounced at bedtime, sometimes it feels like its stopped and sinking which i hate, I get random bouts of tachycardia, i can sort of tell when its going to happen but im not sure whether it starts gradually or suddenly, its usually when im stressed though.

I have the dreaded ectopics too,not too often thankfully, but EVERYDAY i feel at least one symptom,doesnt have to be heart related,

Can anyone else not get through a day without feeling some symptom or another? I long to be normal again :weep:

Char xxx