View Full Version : Feeling Really Bad!!!!

18-04-05, 12:41
I have been feeling very bad for the last few days, i feel very very weak and have no energy at all i feel like i am going to faint or something or just hit the floor!
I also feel like i am not breathing at all its very uncomfortable and frightening!
I went on one of those machine things today that check your blood pressure heart rate etc, my blood pressure was 134/81 was i think is normal but my heart is only beating at 63 beats per minute seems very low considering at rest you should have at least 72 beats per minute is this anything to worry about? or is it normal?
I'm going to the doctors today but dont really know what to say i dont think they will do anything for me!
I dont think the feeling out of breath thing is anything to do with my asthma as im not wheezing or tight chested like i would normally get if i was having an asthma attack!
I also feel very hot even when im outside feel slightly sick as well.
Any advice from anyone would be very welcome and helpful!!!

18-04-05, 12:46

The feeling hot and sick when outside is probably down to anxiety - I suffer this also. Its really bad now to the point that i cant really go into anywhere without feeling like im gonna pass out.

I wouldnt worry yourself about your heartrate, as by doing this you'll only make yourself feel worse, but i know that easier said then done!

Your doing the right thing going to the doctors, as this way he will be able to put your mind at rest. Im pretty sure is nothing to worry about!

Tatty B xx

18-04-05, 14:20

It sounds like anxiety i had that feeling 2mths ago when my anxiety was on a high your heart rate seems to be normal mine can b from 60 to 70 a rest but it can b in the high 90's when i have my anxiety. Don't worry to much as u will make it worse. Hope your doctor can reasure u.

take care

lin xx

18-04-05, 14:52
Mine at rest was about 63 the other day but when I'm having my worst bouts of anxiety it's been as high as 123!

My anxiety can also make me feel depersonalised or hot and nauseous. It's just so unpredictable. The thing I do now is just accept it for what it is and ride out the bout trying to keep control of my breathing.

I'm sure you're GP will help give you some reassurance after you visit.


18-04-05, 15:28

As far as I know 63 is absolutely nothing to worry about. My resting heart rate when I'm completey relaxed is about 57 -- and several years ago (when I was in much better shape, it was around 50). When I get anxiety waves it sits in the 100-120 range.

Try not to measure it too much (currently my problem!) -- If it's any comfort I've just measured mine sat at my desk and its 65.


18-04-05, 15:56
hi andew.

Hope it went well at the doc,s, as you can see you are not alone in your thoughts, so i hope you get some comfort from that.

take care xx

kairen x

18-04-05, 17:58
As all the messages have said- a heart beat of 63 is pretty much optimium for non athletes and your BP is also great.

Try getting out and about with nature and going for a walk.


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