View Full Version : Hi Newbie Here

Sister Morphine
16-06-08, 18:20
Hi Everyone,

I happened to stumble across this forum by chance, I was looking for information on Propranalol, as my doctor has put me on them. I would say that I've suffered from anxiety/panic attacks and been prone to depression for the last 25-6 years. I would say the death of my Grandad 26 years ago was the start of my depression, maybe my anxiety/depression goes back to infants school. I was also sexually assaulted as a girl by some boys from school, and shortly afterwards my cousin began feeling me in a sexual way. AS I was made to feel so guilty for the incidents with the boys I couldn't ask my parents if what my cousin was doing was right or wrong. I think I spent my teenage years trying to please men sexually, I know that did get me into a few scrapes, risking pregnancy or even STI, fortunately neither happened.
I then met my now ex husband, he could sometimes be violent, I did make allowances as he was diagnosed with MS. I was his carer for eight years, until I could no longer cope, and we mutually agreed to separate/divorce.
To cut a long story short since then my work situation has been errattic, and I've been on the sick a year signed off with stress and depression. It was after being signed off from seeking work that a gynae problem came to light, this causes much physical pain. My doctor has just referred me for counselling. I'm trying to get a diagnosis for my gynae prob, the consultant is on about fitting a Mirena coil, this is making me more anxious, as I often have a dream and panic attack, where I'm naked from the waist down , and instead of fitting the coil, he's raping me. I know this dream has resulted in panic attacks.

I'm possibly at my happiest I've been for a long while, I've a most wonderful boyfriend:yesyes::):D,, the only thing is he lives 60 miles or so away, but I'm going to see him tomorrow:yesyes:, and he's wonderfully accepting of my past. We hope to move in together soon, well we're trying to plan it.

Sorry for my life story, BTW if you're wondering how I got my name it's 'cos I was listening to the Sticky Fingers album by The Rolling Stones earlier , and I thought that it would make a good forum name. I love music especially 60's and 70's Rock.

milly jones
16-06-08, 19:19
well welcome to nmp morph

glad to meet u

nmp is a really safe place to be

milly xxx

16-06-08, 20:34
Hiya Sister Morphine :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice and make some great friends along the way.

take care. :hugs: :hugs:


16-06-08, 21:12
Hi:welcome: to the site

love mandie x

16-06-08, 22:39
Hi Sister Morphine and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm sorry to hear all you've been through and glad things are getting better for you.

Take care,

Mike :)

17-06-08, 02:30
Lol Sister When I First Seen Ya Name I Was Singing The Song Welcome I Wish Ya Well........linda

17-06-08, 20:23
hi Sister Morphine,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

17-06-08, 20:57
Hi Sister M,

Welcome to the site. You will find that many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Many hugs,


18-06-08, 10:37
Hello and welcome to NMP :smile:

You will find lots of useful advice on here and also get to make some new friends along the way, who truly understand what you are going through.

Kaz xx

18-06-08, 12:36
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

19-06-08, 10:18
Hi Sister Morphine

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx