View Full Version : Worried i have a brain tumour!

16-06-08, 18:57
First of hi to all and hope everyone is ok.:)
Im basically looking for some support on what to do next as my worries are ruining my life.
To give you guys a little insight ill start at the beginning(where most things start lol)
Im a 28y/o guy who is fit and used to love life up until 3 months ago.Stupidly ina moment of madness i took recreational drugs(speed/cocaine) which resulted in me being taken to hospital with chest pains and palpitations.I was kept in overnight and was released once all tests were shown to be ok(i had learned my lesson).The problems started when i was released from hospital about a week later when i couldnt get it out my mind i was having a heart attack.I went all light headed/dizzy/pain in chest and ended up in E/R again where they once again done tests and sent me on my way.
The hospital staff suggested i see my GP about anxiety who put me on beta-blockers and basically said with the shock of the drug overuse i could have developed anxiety.I got over the heart attack effect although sometimes i still get the odd twinge i am reasured my heart is healthy.
Now the problems have really started as about 3 weeks again i started to get terrible trembling sensations while lying in my bed at night to which i went to my gp(different one) who has now put me on a light dose of anti-ds which she said are good for anxiety.Once away from the doctors(about 6 days ago) i started to get headaches whcih seem to be getting worse although i can go for few hours in the day without noticing the pain as it is rather mild.I am sick with worry that i have a tumour as headaches is something i have never really suffered with and i also get head pressure and tightness in neck muscles along with light headedness.In the past two days i have started to feel a little detached and i worry all day long(i must add that these headaches dont really cause me to loose sleep.
I had and eye exam the other day to see if i needed glasses but they were ok and the eye doc said my eyes were healthy enough.
Now i have an update appointent booked with my gp in 3 weeks but i dont know if i can wait that long as my headaches show no sign of stopping.
Basically i am looking for some advice on what to do next as i am seriously cracking up.
How long should i let the headaches go before i get worried,can you get headaches like mine everyday due to anxiety?
All help is great and hopefully i get this sorted.....I also had blood work done 2 weeks ago and all showed fine in that.
yours from rainy glasgow

16-06-08, 19:05
Hi mate

Sorry you're having such a bad time of it at the mo. Headaches are my latest symptom too, but they are classic signs of stress; they may even be migraines which, too are harmless. The trembling and detached feelings, well they're also classic anxiety symptoms. I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry or panic- it'll just make the headaches worse. If need be see your gp to put your mind at rest and then put it to bed (God I wished I heeded my own advice sometimes!!) Anyway take care

Siobhan x

16-06-08, 19:09
I'm not sure how things in the UK work but we have "Walk in Clinics" in the states where they will see you immediately.

The odds that a brain tumor would present itself right after you had a "Health Crisis/Anxiety" are probably much less then this all having to do with anxiety.

Headaches on their own are usually nothing. But I feel ya. I don't even get headaches and I think i have a brian tumor.

16-06-08, 19:13
Thanks a lot for replying and its so appreciated.I keep telling myself that im fine but like you will know it is far from being that easy.The thing i try to cling to is that the eye exam was ok but in the back of my mind i know it isnt 100% way of confirming it.The main problem is that the headaches dont seem to be getting much better and are with me most part of the day.
I also feel ashamed to go to my GP so soon after my last appointment and i know they wont send me for an mri/ct.
Also is it likely that migrain's would come on even though i cant remember ever suffering from them and could they last so long.
nce again thanks siobhan:yesyes:

16-06-08, 19:17
Thanks a lot for replying and its so appreciated.I keep telling myself that im fine but like you will know it is far from being that easy.The thing i try to cling to is that the eye exam was ok but in the back of my mind i know it isnt 100% way of confirming it.The main problem is that the headaches dont seem to be getting much better and are with me most part of the day.
I also feel ashamed to go to my GP so soon after my last appointment and i know they wont send me for an mri/ct.
Also is it likely that migrain's would come on even though i cant remember ever suffering from them and could they last so long.
nce again thanks siobhan:yesyes:

Migraines can last a long time I believe. Tension headaches literally can last until you aren't tense IMO. Describe your headaches. I always think of headaches as that "Hungover throbbing pain". My HEAD PAIN which is scaring me is more like tension. Very dull yet annoying with lots of neck stiffness.

On a scale of 1-10 what are your headaches?

16-06-08, 19:19
Don't worry about the tumour it sounds like stress and worry caused by taking the speed and cocaine.

Try to calm down can you get some relaxation therapy until you see your doctor. Your poor body as had a big shock with those drugs being put into it, no wonder it feels awful. You need to pamper it now and tell it that everything is ok and for it not to worry.

I know this sounds a bit girly but how about some playing some relaxation tapes whilst soaking in the bath (get some essential oils for relaxation).

Calm down and don't worry.:hugs:

16-06-08, 19:26
Migraines can last a long time I believe. Tension headaches literally can last until you aren't tense IMO. Describe your headaches. I always think of headaches as that "Hungover throbbing pain". My HEAD PAIN which is scaring me is more like tension. Very dull yet annoying with lots of neck stiffness.

On a scale of 1-10 what are your headaches?

I would say they are on a scale 4/5 mate and they feel like a dull throbbing rather than sharp shooting pains.If i exert myself then that can also have an effect but generally i can live with the pain it's the not knowing that is getting to me.:unsure:

Don't worry about the tumour it sounds like stress and worry caused by taking the speed and cocaine.

Try to calm down can you get some relaxation therapy until you see your doctor. Your poor body as had a big shock with those drugs being put into it, no wonder it feels awful. You need to pamper it now and tell it that everything is ok and for it not to worry.

I know this sounds a bit girly but how about some playing some relaxation tapes whilst soaking in the bath (get some essential oils for relaxation).

Calm down and don't worry.
As a scot i am already in touch with my feminine side Trixie:whistles:
So these relaxation tapes you speak should not be a problem:flowers:
What get's me the most is that i was always a outgoing funny lively person but these past few week's i am no fun at all.I cant help feeling that im going mad and loosing grip.
On less serious note i hear that bath overflowing:doh:

16-06-08, 19:29
People who are really "going mad" don't realize it. If you think you are going crazy you are not crazy. You are just anxious as heck!

I'm no doctor but a headache by itself is not really a sign of a tumor

16-06-08, 19:37
People who are really "going mad" don't realize it. If you think you are going crazy you are not crazy. You are just anxious as heck!

I'm no doctor but a headache by itself is not really a sign of a tumor

I have also had tingling sensation in head and also some slight eye pain in right eye(although eye doctor checked me out 2 days ago).
I really dont feel i will be convinced until scan work is carried out...which i dont feel my doctor will send me for.

16-06-08, 19:41
I have also had tingling sensation in head and also some slight eye pain in right eye(although eye doctor checked me out 2 days ago).
I really dont feel i will be convinced until scan work is carried out...which i dont feel my doctor will send me for.

In life we can never fully be convinced of anything unfortunately. How do you know you won't be shot or die in a car accident. We have the privelage of using medicine to tell us a bit about our future.

However, I know this is not easy to tell yourself and although I'm typing this I have a hard time putting this into play as well.

Tingling sensation in head is very much related to Anxiety. Eye pain is most likely related to stress.

Remember when we get anxious our system goes into a hyperaware mode.

Our senses stand out and our muscles tense to survive.

All that tension and overworking can do lots to our nervous system and muscular system.

The waiting sucks I know but we have to trust our doctors.

16-06-08, 19:49
In life we can never fully be convinced of anything unfortunately. How do you know you won't be shot or die in a car accident. We have the privelage of using medicine to tell us a bit about our future.

However, I know this is not easy to tell yourself and although I'm typing this I have a hard time putting this into play as well.

Tingling sensation in head is very much related to Anxiety. Eye pain is most likely related to stress.

Remember when we get anxious our system goes into a hyperaware mode.

Our senses stand out and our muscles tense to survive.

All that tension and overworking can do lots to our nervous system and muscular system.

The waiting sucks I know but we have to trust our doctors.

Ill will try and take all onboard mate and thanks for your words as every little helps.

16-06-08, 20:03

Try not to worry too much, I think you have had a bad reaction to the drugs and basically you have given yourself the fright of your life!

I would bet my life savings (all 50 quid of them!) on you not having a brain tumour. Just have a good look around the website, you will see that a lot of your symptoms are very common.

Stop beating yourself up, keep chatting to folk on here, and good luck


16-06-08, 20:08

Try not to worry too much, I think you have had a bad reaction to the drugs and basically you have given yourself the fright of your life!

I would bet my life savings (all 50 quid of them!) on you not having a brain tumour. Just have a good look around the website, you will see that a lot of your symptoms are very common.

Stop beating yourself up, keep chatting to folk on here, and good luck

Thanks Debbie and im sure over the coming weeks questions will be coming fast and furious.Unfortunately family live quite a distance so having someone to talk to isnt always easy.:blush:

16-06-08, 20:57
For my Anxiety i have also just started taking citalopram.i have been taken this for 3 days now and in these 3 days the pains have increased to constant throbbing pain.Would this medication cause this and also the slight nausea i have been feeling has only bee since i started these pills.:wacko:

16-06-08, 21:21
:D Hi paisley

Your symptoms sound very much like anxiety. Having had a brain tumour removed in feb i never suffered with headaches, only a fit which is how they found mine.
Of course people do get headaches but try not to worry as it sounds like stress.
If you are worried keep persevering with your doc.

Take care

16-06-08, 21:24
Hi Paisleychap.
Not sure if you saw my thread but I was convinced I had a Brain Tumour earlier this year. I had a lot of symptoms you have had, plus more....headaches, face aches, strange tingling sensations, eye pain under my left eye, some nausea etc etc.... I did have a scan and they found NOTHING! NOTHING ATALL! I am sure it is the same for you. People on here give very good advice, I know how hard it is but try not to worry. Could you not ask for an earlier appointment?
After the Scan, I still didn't believe the docs, but people here have convinced me there are times when you have to believe them as not doing so, just makes you slip into despair and it's hard to get out of.
Think positive (says I!!!!) and keep busy, take care

16-06-08, 21:27
:bighug1: Glad you are feeling better fairy too, hope the advice we gave you helped.

Mandy ( had tumour, spoke to you about it ) x:flowers:

16-06-08, 21:38
First of hi to all and hope everyone is ok.:)
Im basically looking for some support on what to do next as my worries are ruining my life.
To give you guys a little insight ill start at the beginning(where most things start lol)
Im a 28y/o guy who is fit and used to love life up until 3 months ago.Stupidly ina moment of madness i took recreational drugs(speed/cocaine) which resulted in me being taken to hospital with chest pains and palpitations.I was kept in overnight and was released once all tests were shown to be ok(i had learned my lesson).The problems started when i was released from hospital about a week later when i couldnt get it out my mind i was having a heart attack.I went all light headed/dizzy/pain in chest and ended up in E/R again where they once again done tests and sent me on my way.
The hospital staff suggested i see my GP about anxiety who put me on beta-blockers and basically said with the shock of the drug overuse i could have developed anxiety.I got over the heart attack effect although sometimes i still get the odd twinge i am reasured my heart is healthy.
Now the problems have really started as about 3 weeks again i started to get terrible trembling sensations while lying in my bed at night to which i went to my gp(different one) who has now put me on a light dose of anti-ds which she said are good for anxiety.Once away from the doctors(about 6 days ago) i started to get headaches whcih seem to be getting worse although i can go for few hours in the day without noticing the pain as it is rather mild.I am sick with worry that i have a tumour as headaches is something i have never really suffered with and i also get head pressure and tightness in neck muscles along with light headedness.In the past two days i have started to feel a little detached and i worry all day long(i must add that these headaches dont really cause me to loose sleep.
I had and eye exam the other day to see if i needed glasses but they were ok and the eye doc said my eyes were healthy enough.
Now i have an update appointent booked with my gp in 3 weeks but i dont know if i can wait that long as my headaches show no sign of stopping.
Basically i am looking for some advice on what to do next as i am seriously cracking up.
How long should i let the headaches go before i get worried,can you get headaches like mine everyday due to anxiety?
All help is great and hopefully i get this sorted.....I also had blood work done 2 weeks ago and all showed fine in that.
yours from rainy glasgow

Just hang on 'till you see your doctor (or if you feel really bad see if you can get an earlier appointment):D

16-06-08, 22:51
:bighug1: Glad you are feeling better fairy too, hope the advice we gave you helped.

Mandy ( had tumour, spoke to you about it ) x:flowers:

Your advice did help
Thanks :)

Hope you are ok???:hugs:

16-06-08, 23:16
Sort of on subject. My GF always tells me "Brain Tumors are extremely rare" and I know she means well but all I can think is "But someone has to get them and I might be that person"

Its hard very hard to fight this! But hey we can do it

17-06-08, 00:07
Hi Paisleychap,

I just started on citalopram also and suffered from a raging headache for about 5 days. I'm on day 11 now. I have a totally grumbly stomach and diarrhea, too. Sorry so graphic, but, you know. Stick it out. I'd bet the headache is from the new med.

As for the anxiety itself...I'm sure that you scared the you-know-what out of yourself with the recent drug thing. It's a frightening thing to have your mortality handed to you on a platter. It might take some time for the nerves to calm down and until you find reassurance that you're okay. Until then, post away...I'm a former ER nurse who just for some reason or another got plunged into depression and anxiety within the last month. Keep posting, the lovely folks on this board are a tremendous help.

I've had the eye pain, that was stress...the headache is from the meds, I'd bet on it. Hang in there!:hugs:


17-06-08, 12:26

I've suffered with headaches for years. I saw a specialist 2 years ago that was cr*p and the headaches continued, i was diagnosed with having chronic daily headaches because i get more than 15 a day and sent on my way with pain killers.

Over the last couple of months the head pain has been getting much worse and lasting for longer. I have the added extra of "other" symptoms too...(i won't write them down though ;) ). Finally yesterday i got to see a neurologist but he made me feel like sh*t and that i was wasting his time!!!!! Despite that i am being sent for an MRI at some point.

If you are worried, please go back to your doctor and get a referral to see someone else.


17-06-08, 20:02
Just on tonight and today has been a little better with the headaches not as severe as yesterday.One thing i have noticed again today which i forgot to mention yesterday was a throbbing pulse all through my left hand which i get............basicallly it's a painless throbbing sensation in time with my heartrate.:doh:
And thanks so much again for all you guy's help and kind words.....
you are all stars:yesyes:

17-06-08, 21:55
Hi Guys

First of all hello from me also sitting in rainy glasgow... Bluebell, did your GP refer you to neurlogist as I am going tomorrow morning and I want to ask to be reffered