View Full Version : CHAMPIX

16-06-08, 20:11
Champix is a drug GPs can prescribe for people who are 'serious' about giving up smoking. I've been on them for about 6 weeks now and can honestly say I have given up smoking quite easily (and I was a BIG smoker).

Now for the BUT

They work by closing down the nicotine receptors in your brain (or something along those 'scientific' lines). The trouble is they make you feel a bit spacey, like you're timing out and blanking mid conversation without realising it.

I'm gonna stay on them coz the health benefits outweigh the side effects (I think). As someone with health anx I think the peace of mind I could achieve without smoking will be worth it. Has anyone else tried these (or know someone that has) and what side effects did you encounter?


16-06-08, 20:48
Hi Kay - as I sit here smoking cig number 12 of the day this med sounded quite appealing. I've just done a little research into it though and I'm not sure its suitable for all.

With Nics permission I'll post two links - one to the New York Times and one to the LA times. I'm asking permission first as the links may cause concern to anyone currently taking the med. Although I should point out that it looks like adverse effects are quite rare (greater than 1 in 1000).


16-06-08, 21:46
Here's a couple of news articles about this med printed in the last three weeks. I must point out that I'm not trying to upset anyone using this med, just personally I'd rather be informed. If you are at all concerned about what you read, then please speak to your doctor.

http://www.latimes.com/news/nationwo...,6554950.story (http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-smokedrug25-2008may25,0,6554950.story)


16-06-08, 23:11
Thanks Krackers (I think!!!)

I think I must be suffering mild side effects in comparison but wouldn't fancy my pilot or train driver being on them!

All I can say is that I have tried everything to give up smoking and it is so weird to give up and not mind having a fag (when normally you'd kill for one). My GP did ask me if I thought I had suicidal tendancies to which I replied no, but this was done a bit tongue in cheek.
