View Full Version : New here.Please help.Breaking down and giving up

17-06-08, 06:18
Hello everyone.I have just found this site and,i think,just in time.I'm in absolute hell.I'm 34 and have had panics since i was 7.The main cause of my panics is a horrific vomiting phobia.I have been agoraphobic,on and off,for 17 years now.Things have got very bad in the last couple of months and are now getting worse by the day.I can't leave the house at all and i can't cope being in the house.As soon as i wake up i begin to panic beyond control.I have to take vast quantaties of diazepam and anti sickness drugs.They help a little then i just fall asleep and the vicious circle starts again.I've got to a point where i can't eat as i feel sick constantly.I can't even watch ads for food on the t.v as they make me feel ill.I am,pretty much,confined to the sofa.I'm afraid to go anywhere in case i see something that makes me feel even more sick.I really don't know what to do.I've spoken to my doctor who is sending another cpn to see me and has put me on more drugs but they're not helping.If anyone has any advice please contact me.Thank you.

17-06-08, 06:52
hi there and welcome to the site :yesyes:

firstly, im really sorry to hear your having a horrible time at the moment i think youve made a positive step in coming here as there are alot of people like yourself who are suffering with anxiety, agoraphobia, and sickness phobia too. it does help to get a better understanding and to talk to others that are going through the same if not similar to what you're going through.

i think by the sounds of it you've got yourself into a bit of a muddle:wacko: and a state (is muddle even a word where did that come from lol):blush: by the sounds of it your in a bit of a viscous cyle, with the vomiting phobia, ur talking all these tablets, not eating, the feeling sick is bound to come on also because your obsessing over it so much, so then you'll eat less, take more tablets and feel even more sick :doh:

be carefull on tablets like diazepam as theyre very addictive, i wouldve suggested them as a short term measure just to give you some time out from the way your feeling, get used to feeling a bit relaxed again. maybe take one and try and keep yourself awake read a book or something, because they actually are probably working bacause you say your falling asleep theyre probably not been felt because you are asleep hehe :wacko:

i think distraction also helps and im a firm believer in this so if u can combine say the diaz with reading a book, youl be both calmer and distracted which will allow you to relax even more

with the eating its a viscous circle and i really do sympathise with you cos it isnt nice n ive been there years ago, unfortunately not eating is going to make u more naucious (if thats how you spell it) and it also (obvious one :doh: ) isnt good for you either, especially whilst taking strong meds like diazepam, so try eating something even if its a little, with maybe some water or milk which also lines your stomach youl find it might make you feel a bit nauscious when eating because thats the stomachs need for food kicking in but just try little bits little and often and try and build it back up again, its going to help you all round i think, i personally feel so different on an empty stomach to just eaten feel ten times better anx drops etc.

so please try and eat something start with little bits, anything you enjoy then build it up, try and stay awake with the diazepam so it can have its effect and do something to distract yourself like read a book or watch a funny film, id say give this a go, keep in touch with the doc, and once you're a little better then youl be in a stronger position to work on this agoraphobia and vomiting phobia. theres tons of people on here with the same so your not alone :bighug1:

all the best and theres support here so your not alone

let us know how u get on

rob :)

Cathy V
17-06-08, 08:26
Hello Dita and welcome to nmp. Just to add to Robs great post, maybe if you really cant face food at the moment perhaps milkshakes or those complan type drinks that give you all the vitamins you need right now. You can drink them slowly through a straw if necessary. As Rob said, you're on a roundabout with the drugs and not eating too good, so hopefully with time and help from your doc and cpn, and nmp, you'll be able to break the cycle.

Keep posting
Take care
Cathy xxx :flowers:

Matty H
17-06-08, 09:09
Welcome to NMP Dita. I can't relate with most of the symptoms you're having but after having a really bad infection in my mouth I ate nothing for a week and lost about 20 lbs. I had to eat applesauce and oatmeal through a straw because i was in so much pain. What i'll never forget is how dizzy and disoriented having no food made me. So I agree with Cathy and Rob that a major first step you need to take is eating and getting your stength and energy back. It can be tough but you need to eat, even if it's in tiny servings throughout the day.

If you're having trouble eating try to take your mind off the fears. Read through the forums while you eat and it should take your mind off of things because I think you'll be pleasantly suprised how many people share what you go through, or at least experiences very close to yours.

Good luck with everything and please keep us updated. :)

17-06-08, 14:22
Hiya Dita, welcome to nmp its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. keep posting and we will help as much as we can.

take care.


milly jones
17-06-08, 14:30
hi dita,

welcome to nmp

hope u find comfort here

milly xx

17-06-08, 15:37
Thank you all so much for your replies.Feeling physically exhausted today.Just so fed up

17-06-08, 15:40
Hi Dita,

Well theres not a lot else I can after all the lovely replies you have had, apart from welcome to the site.

I havent been on here for a long time, but when I needed most of my support years ago, this site helped me big time.

Emma x

17-06-08, 16:37
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

17-06-08, 20:18
Hi Dita,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

17-06-08, 21:03
Hi Dita,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Many hugs,


17-06-08, 21:36
Hi Dita and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

17-06-08, 22:09
Hello Dita - welcome to you:)

I can't relate to your particular porblems, but I can sympathise with how awful it must be for you.

There are loads here who will relate so you certainly aren't alone, and I'm sure you'll get plenty of help from them - if indeed you haven't already!

You've been a sufferer for a long time, but don't give up hope - don't ever give up hope.


18-06-08, 00:04
Hello Dita And Welcome....i Wish Ya Well...............linda

18-06-08, 07:24
Hi Dita

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

18-06-08, 10:35
Hello and welcome to NMP :smile:

You will find lots of useful advice on here and also get to make some new friends along the way, who truly understand what you are going through.

Kaz xx

28-08-08, 21:59
Hello Dita,

I am so sorry to hear what you're experiencing. I suffer from bad anxiety, and I know that if I miss meals, I start to feel even more anxious. I'm not gonna tell you to go and eat a big meal, but if you're even able to eat something plain, you will start to feel a bit better. Can you drink tea? Could you find a nourishing drink?

Dita, has the doctor prescribed you anti-depressants like Mirtazapine or Sertraline? Mirtazapine is an anti-nausea SSRI. Both of them will address your anxiety and get you your appetite back.

Please keep us posted on how you are.

God bless,

29-08-08, 21:51
Please note that Dita has not been on the site since June so will not read any replies


milly jones
01-09-08, 21:54
A wonderfully warm NMP welcome to you

Milly xxxx :hugs: