View Full Version : Lumpy Neck

17-06-08, 09:03
Hi all

I am getting myself into a right flap. For just over a week now I have had a really lumpy neck when I feel it. I can't even remember why I started feeling my neck, but as us health anxiety suffers do I did and now all the time I keep checking it to see if they are still there.

Are these glands? And how long should they be there. There seems to be loads of lumpy bits in my neck which hurt when I press on them hard and I am convinced now that there is something drastically wrong with me. I don't feel ill other than tired. No sore throat or anything, other than a touch of hayfever but glands wouldn't swell up because of hayfever. I am scared it's something bad.

17-06-08, 09:36
Hi there

Could just be your lymph nodes are slightly swollen which is very common when you're run down or stressed- I get it all the time. Try not to think the worst- you just sound a bit run down to me mate.

Siobhan x

17-06-08, 09:52
But wouldn't it just be one or two of the glands in your neck? Not the whole lot?

17-06-08, 22:53
Hi Precious,

I've just felt my neck to check and mine feels pretty lumpy too! :D I'm sure there's nothing sinister and all you're feeling are the usual gubbins of glands, tendons etc. The glands in my neck often get sore if I'm feeling run down or my hayfever is bad. I'm willing to bet that your neck didn't feel sore until you became aware of it which goes to show it's very unlikely to be anything serious. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

18-06-08, 03:33
I sent myself into a panic this morning by feeling my neck. My bottom left gland is harder, lumpier and a lot more prominent then my other, and my left lymph gland under my ear is fleshier and more filled out then my right one. You shouldn't worry about it though, even less so if you're worn out or worried. It's really quite common. Also everyone has normally lumpy necks, did the lumps appear after you started feeling? Or have they always been like that?

18-06-08, 09:26
Thanks for these replies.

I know for sure that I have two which I thought were glands that have been there a little while. They feel squishy and moveable. The lumpiness is deeper and perhaps could have been there before. Of course now I know about it I'm checking all the time and fretting if I can still feel them.

I can't feel any up in my armpits or in my groin, just in my neck.

I started worrying about it about a month ago when my chiropractor said I had two up in my neck and asked if I was coming down with a cold. I wasn't and I'm sure then the lumpiness wasn't there. It's been in the past week I have noticed it.

18-06-08, 12:25

I have been to the doc before regarding a lumpy neck, which also got quite painful.

It was due to being run down and was the glands that had come up. she told me this happens quite often if your stressed.
