View Full Version : Had appendix out, now I have an infection

17-06-08, 09:10
I had my appendix taken out 12 days ago and although the pain has got a lot better and the wound has healed up really well I found out yesterday when I went to see my GP that I have an infection.

I am getting myself really stressed out and anxious and just keep sitting and crying as I just don't understand what is going on and I can't get to talk to the consultant who did the op :ohmy:

My GP gave me some more antibiotics, even though I remember having an IV of antibiotics the day after I had my op, and now someone has told me that as this is the 3rd lot of antibiotics that I've had that they won't work :weep:

I know I had a fever the day after I came out of hospital as my temp was 38.2c but when I phoned the hospital the nurse there said as long as it didn't go over 38.5 and the wound wasn't hot or red then I was fine.

Since then I have kept checking my temp and it's been around 37.2c most of the time and I hadn't realised that meant I had a fever as I was used to my old mercury thermometer and I replaced it with one of those ear ones.

The only symptom I've had that made me wonder something wasn't quite right was awful night sweats, but I even managed to put them down to post operative healing, which of course it wasn't.

Has anyone else had an infection after an op like this and got better? I am really worried that I will end up gong back into hospital if it doesn't go.

17-06-08, 09:30
ok hun first of all plz try not to panic. infections after an op are more commen than you think and some can take a few diff anti bi to clear it up. sometimes some anti bio dont get rid of infections like they should. if your temp is ok then im sure you are fine. my daughters b/f had his apendix out about5 months ago and he got an infection as well, i took three diff meds to clear it. he is no abosolulty fine and no worse for it at all.
12 days is still early. you can help your self heal faster by keeping the wound clean with warm salt water twice a day. it wot i done after my c section with my first child.

take care


17-06-08, 09:31
Hi there, I haven't had this type of post op infection before but working in the community with the old and the sick I come across it a lot. Infections can hang around for a while but they almost always clear up (and that's in the people that I see who are mostly very frail and old). Your temperature is very slightly high but nothing to be alarmed about. Obviously be vigilant but try not to get in a panic about it- you'll be fine mate.

Take care

Siobhan x

17-06-08, 11:43
I had my appendix taken out 12 days ago and although the pain has got a lot better and the wound has healed up really well I found out yesterday when I went to see my GP that I have an infection.

I am getting myself really stressed out and anxious and just keep sitting and crying as I just don't understand what is going on and I can't get to talk to the consultant who did the op :ohmy:

My GP gave me some more antibiotics, even though I remember having an IV of antibiotics the day after I had my op, and now someone has told me that as this is the 3rd lot of antibiotics that I've had that they won't work :weep:

I know I had a fever the day after I came out of hospital as my temp was 38.2c but when I phoned the hospital the nurse there said as long as it didn't go over 38.5 and the wound wasn't hot or red then I was fine.

Since then I have kept checking my temp and it's been around 37.2c most of the time and I hadn't realised that meant I had a fever as I was used to my old mercury thermometer and I replaced it with one of those ear ones.

The only symptom I've had that made me wonder something wasn't quite right was awful night sweats, but I even managed to put them down to post operative healing, which of course it wasn't.

Has anyone else had an infection after an op like this and got better? I am really worried that I will end up gong back into hospital if it doesn't go.

37.2.C ( 98.96. F) is nothing to worry about so it seems that the antibiotics are obviously working. Lots of people have wound infections post surgery and they do fine. So don't worry.

17-06-08, 12:25
Thanks a lot for the replies, it really does help to get some advice from you all :hugs:

18-06-08, 12:33
Well I've now been taking the antibiotics for 48hrs and really thought my temperature would be normal, but it's either the same or fluctuates up and down by up to half a degree. I'm getting so paranoid I am taking my temp about every half an hour which I know is stupid :weep:

I spoke to the consultant who did my op yesterday and he said I don't have a fever and nor does he think I have an infection. Now I am wondering if my thermometer is broken as my GP definately said I had a temperature. I only bought my thermomether less than two weeks ago, so I guess it should be working properly?

I keep worrying I have an infection that will never clear up or maybe even an abcess that hasn't been diagnosed yet.

All the stress of the last few weeks has put me off my food and I've lost 5lbs and I know I am also pushing people away who want to come and see me by saying I am too ill to see them.

I am so rational and levelheaded with other people, but for some reason it all seems to go out the window when it's about my own health.

18-06-08, 18:55
Your temp is OK so please do not worry about it. The infection (if there is one) will clear up you have to give things time to work.

Why are you pushing visitors away? You are not too ill to receive them at all. Please let them in they will take your mind off your none existent high temp' and make you feel better.:hugs:

18-06-08, 19:01
Thanks Trixie, I think the GP spooked me when she said I had an infection and gave me the antibiotics. I guess I am pushing visitors away as the whole experience has just thrown me and my anxiety is making me withdraw into myself.

I should know better at my age really, but I think I expected to come home from hospital and be back to normal in no time. Now all I think about is having to go back into hospital and being opened up again :scared15:

19-06-08, 08:46
Thanks Trixie, I think the GP spooked me when she said I had an infection and gave me the antibiotics. I guess I am pushing visitors away as the whole experience has just thrown me and my anxiety is making me withdraw into myself.

I should know better at my age really, but I think I expected to come home from hospital and be back to normal in no time. Now all I think about is having to go back into hospital and being opened up again :scared15:

No one gets back to 'normal' immediately after an op and everyone has different pain thresholds.

I remember being on women's surgical once and we had one woman would insists on helping with the tea trolley despite having just had an hysterectomy. Whereas another woman who had, had an appendectomy screamed so loud when you helped her out of bed you would have thought she had, had open heart surgery:D

You'll be OK and don't forget to let in those visitors, you never know they could be bringing nice nibbles with them.:D

25-06-08, 14:15
Well I finally finished my antibiotics on Monday morning and all I can say is thank goodness they are now out of my system. I had never taken this particular antibiotic before and it really made me feel ill :weep:

I went back to the GP today as I still have a very slight low grade fever, which he said is nothing to worry about. However I am still getting the night sweats that started a few days after I had my appendix out and the GP isn't sure what is causing those.

So now I have to wait till next week and go to the hosptial and have yet more blood tests for infections, thyroid and a full blood count. I just wish I could get back to normal.

25-06-08, 14:33
I finished mine Monday morning. I had clyndomycin i think.

My infection cleared up quickly fingers crossed!!

I hope your feel better soon lyn

25-06-08, 14:51
Thanks Emira, glad to hear you are feeling better.

The antibiotics I had were called Amoclan. I've had antibiotics in the past and never had any problems with them, but these seemed to really knock the stuffing out of me :ohmy: