View Full Version : having a bad day

17-06-08, 10:31
today I got up & had my breakfast & whilst eating I felt really sick & then I was. It was so weird, I don't know why I puked up but I am worried now cos I think they might be something wrong. I feel like I can't take a proper breath & they is a big lump in my throat. I feel all shaky too and I can't stop crying. I keep thinking they is something else wrong with me apart from anxiety but I have had loads a blood tests taken & nothing else is wrong. I hate bothering everyone but I feel like I need reassurance.

17-06-08, 11:41

I feel bad today too! Not been sick, but I feel all shaky and weepy. I have a GP appointment this afternoon to complain about my stomach pain, and I am worried about that!

Its possibly something you ate, or a bug? You have nothing serious, they have checked you over and found nothing! There is advice in the Self Help section of this website, about how to divert your thoughts, and how to deal with the panic and fear. I am using that, just telling myself over and over that the doctor will be able to help me later, and its getting me through the day :hugs:

milly jones
17-06-08, 11:52
hun for me its sounds like anx hun

are u worried about someting u got to do?

i get sick when i have to face things.

the difficulty swallowing thing too sometimes i even find drinking difficult.

try and spend some me time does something u enjoy or something to disract yourself.

i spend hours replying to posts when im having a bad day, this helps me

much love

milly xxx

17-06-08, 12:09
Aw You poor thing
I understand how you feel, cause when i have a full blown panic attack that comes from nowhere, ithe first thing i do is puck, then i start to shake voilently and with that comes the problems with breathing, it will pass hun i usually feel gastly for the rest of the day, perehaps like the other replies said, try to do something that will take your mind off things
take care

17-06-08, 12:13
Hi, thanks for your replies. I don't think I have a bug cos I have only just had gastric flu & I have been ok for a few weeks & I only puked up my cereal.

I have an exhibition on Fri & I am worried I won't be able to attend as I will get too paniky, do you think this might be it?

I am sick of bothering the doctors & the hospital cos I always get the same response... anxiety. But its not like that helps or anything! I am always thinking what if all the time & I wish I could stop. I am driving myself mad.


17-06-08, 12:17
Hi Janey:D

Worrying will make you be sick also anxiety in general

When I was at my worst I used to throw up every 5 mins

Try and relax, sucking a mint may help

Hope you feel better soon:hugs:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

17-06-08, 13:42
thank u all for replying. I have calmed down a bit now but I still feel sick & shaky a little. I know I won't feel like this forever tho. I am off back hynotist tomorrow so hopefully that will help me a lot.

take care everyone.
