View Full Version : HEADACHES

17-06-08, 11:56
I have been having headaches now for about 4 weeks. Went to the docs and she said that it was a inflamed sinus and gave me nasal spray.

Headaches still have not gone, i had a similar headaches many years back and thay were connected to anxiety/tension.

with tension/anxiety headaches do people get similar syptoms to sinus pain.


17-06-08, 12:11
Hi, i get lots of pain in my eyebrow bone, top of nose, i have never been diagnosed with sinus problems (although i think that sometimes i DO get sinus pain), but i have been told i have chronic daily headaches because i have pain for more than 15 days a month. I've been told that they are tension headaches and when i questioned that i thought they were generally across your forehead, i was corrected and told you have muscles all over your head that can get tense.

milly jones
17-06-08, 12:20
i get sinus and ear pain hun sometimes

i use a spray my dad got in greece of salted water in a spray that u spray up ur nose. dont know if u can get that here but it eases my sinus pains

milly xxx

17-06-08, 13:26
I get these exact same headaches and they started when my anxiety resurfaced. What a coincidence!

Siobhan x

17-06-08, 14:37
hi siobhan

Do you get them as soon as you wake up in the morning and continue thoughout the day. is it mostly around the bridge of the nose and under the eyebrows.


17-06-08, 14:51
Hi Ray,

I have had headaches for years on and off as your are describing. At times when I wake up in the mornings aswell. I went to the doctor, who has prescribed me a tablet to take at night to wared off the headache before it comes. There quite good. I have also learnt to breathe through the headache if this makes sense? Deep breaths etc and imaging your breathing the headache out.

Hope they get sorted, I know they can bring you down.
