View Full Version : Scared all the time . . .

17-06-08, 12:02
Hi, I'm new :D
I'm terrified of cancer and spend way to much time googling my symptoms. My fear started a couple of years ago when I started having nightmares about getting breast cancer, that was a really bad year, after that year I had another where I was hardly scared at all, the year after that (this year) has been terrible, I'm hoping my hypochondria is at least partly caused by puberty because I couldn't stand being scared like this for much longer. I've already posted my fears and symptoms in the Health Anxiety area so I won't go into them in detail. My health anxiety really affects my academic life, I can't bring myself to do homework and I have to fake sick if I get to scared. I manage to completely conceal my hypochondria at school because I don't want it to affect my relationships with my peers, however the stress of hiding it means that I often cry at night and am always bugging my parents about my "illnesses" and begging them to take me to the doctor. My hobbies include reading, hanging out with friends, daydreaming, fencing and archery. I'm planning to start Tai Chi or Yoga to help me get over my anxiety.
Pleased to meet you all :D

17-06-08, 12:11
Hello Juliana (very pretty name by the way) and welcome! This is a great place to discuss your worries and fears with people who are going through or have been through the same thing, so I'm sure you'll find it really useful. School days can be a really stressful and difficult time (they were for me) but it does get better, trust me. You are obviously intelligent and articulate, and I'm sure life will get much better for you in time. xx

Cathy V
17-06-08, 12:11
Julianna, havent you already had replies about this prob in your other thread? its confusing for ppl to answer more than one at the same time about the same thing. Its probably best to stick to the one thread...makes life a bit easier :D If you dont get the response to a thread that you want, you can 'revive' the same thread and put it back into active topics, without the need to have 3 or 4 going at the same time.

Take care
Cathy xxx

17-06-08, 12:18
Thanks Samira (your name's pretty to by the way!) and Cathy V for replying! :hugs:
Cathy V I wasn't quite sure what to write in my introduction, I didn't actually repeat my other question, I just stated my fears (which I also stated in my other thread) I'm really sorry if this is wrong :weep: Is there any way I can edit it? Your right though, one thread is enough. Sorry, I can be pretty dense sometimes :doh:

milly jones
17-06-08, 12:22
hi juliana

im very pleased to meet u hun

im milly f 43 from wales (not new south lol)


milly xxx

Cathy V
17-06-08, 12:23
hey julianna dont worry about it and theres no nee to delete it, its only that when i read both of the threads that you posted this morning they just seemed to repeat, apart from the introduction that is. It can happen with new members anyway until they find their way around the site, so please dont worry, i just wanted to point out that ppl always respond to threads so you'll always get some help. I remember an older member pointing this out before also,so it does happen.

Hope you feel better soon.
cathy xxx :)

17-06-08, 13:35
hiya and welcome did something trigger this? i mean did someone become ill? cos this can often trigger your anxietys it happend to me when i nan died 3 yrs back i really thought i had cancer all the time but i managed to get over it after about 6 months but in general i am a worrier so i can easily get worried about stuff, my son who is 11 he too worrys about everything and i think he gets it from me but i try to be positive and not think about stuff to much and stay positive, keep posting and we will try to help u hugs xx

17-06-08, 16:41
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

17-06-08, 20:15
Hi Juliana,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

17-06-08, 20:53
Hi Juliana,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Many hugs,


17-06-08, 21:34
Hi Juliana and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

17-06-08, 22:21
Hello Juliana - welcome to you:)

Don't worry - you're not dense at all, and you can edit your post by clicking on the edit button which is down in the right hand corner of the box. Then just click 'save' after you've made your alterations. This is the 'basic edit' mode.

If you click edit and then edit again - you'll be able to use all the emoticons etc too :)

You're among friends here who will understand how you're feeling and offer help and advice and support.

Pleased to meet you :flowers:

18-06-08, 00:01
Hello Juliana And Welcome...i Wish Ya Well.........linda

18-06-08, 10:37
Hello and welcome to NMP :smile:

You will find lots of useful advice on here and also get to make some new friends along the way, who truly understand what you are going through.

Kaz xx

18-06-08, 12:09
Hi Juliana.

Welcome to the site. I am older than you, but have exactly the same fears.

Hope you get the help and support on this site
