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View Full Version : Worried about serious abdomen conditions

17-06-08, 12:52
For years I get occasional painful bowel movements and when painful a little bit of blood on the paper(sorry TMI). I was recently referred and the gastro specialist looked in with the scope and saw nothing. He sent me off with fyboget for 2 months to see if things improve then said he would do an abdominal x-ray and colonoscopy if not. He asked a couple of times if I "felt well or had aches and pains" because if so he would arrange the tests straight away, but I said no to both. Since then I have been worried sick about cancers, and in the last week have developed reflux.. and have a pain around my middle under my ribs... then I started to worry about pancreatitis. Its hard to think ahead and I feel like crying when I see my new husband and new baby daughter because I worry I am dying... everything in life is perfect except for this health anxiety... sorry to go on but thought it might be good to thrash it out on this board..

17-06-08, 12:54
By the way my follow up appointment with the gastro is on Friday... I am expecting further tests, and dont know if I should tell him about my health anxiety or not - he didnt really reassure me much last time and in fact I felt worse after speaking to him.

17-06-08, 13:08
Hi, I suffer from chronic stomach problems, namely ibs and severe gastritis (which led me to a night in a & e as the pain was so bad) all down to anxiety. So I know how you feel.

On the subject of the doctor, if he's not that understanding then I personally wouldn't tell him about your HA. It might bias his opinion straight away.

Siobhan x

18-06-08, 00:23
Hi, thanks for your reply... reading these boards make me realise Im not the only one with these thoughts, and its nice people are here to help and share problems with.

18-06-08, 04:59
I worry abotu my pancreas. Before that it was my appendix but that came out so now its my pancreas. I think mainly because it can become serious quickly and I had acute pancreatitis in November with no known cause. It terrifies me

18-06-08, 09:27
and in the last week have developed reflux.. and have a pain around my middle under my ribs... .

sounds very typical of indigestion problems. I'm currently experiencing these (since beginning of May) and am currently on medication for it and have had some tests done (all normal). Also reflux is a symptom of anxiety and the stomach producing too much acid. Like you I went through the whole pancreatic cancer worry but I've had bloods and upper abdo ultra-sound done and these were fine plus my doctor said that if I had pancreatis then I would know about it and would be rushed to hospital - apparently it's extremely painful.

everything in life is perfect except for this health anxiety

this is exactly how I feel and it's pants :weep:

18-06-08, 20:37
Oh poor you. I too have a baby and worry myself sick that I am dying and will leave them. From what you have described though, I bet you have piles or anal fissures. The painful bowel movement suggests that whatever is wrong is around the anus/rectal area rather than further up (which cancer would be) and bright red blood when you wipe is - according to my doctor - "common as anything" and nothing to worry about. I get it sometimes too and have done since pregnancy.
As for the pains under your rib-cage - I get those too! They do tend to coincide with a peak in my anxiety and particularly when my anxiety is bowel related. I think worry does all sorts of weird things to the bowels....

Also - if it has been going on for years and not worsening it is v. unlikely to be cancer (or if it was it would have to be the benignest slowest growing one around!!). Anyway, try not to worry, although I do understand.