View Full Version : Just came from the doctor

18-04-05, 20:22
He said my heart rate is perfect and i'm healthy, defenently anxiety. He told me he won't put me on medication because i'm still young ( i'm 19) he said anxiety comes and goes and might dissapear soon and gave me the number to this mental clinic. what do you guys think?

Hi i'm John

18-04-05, 21:18
Hi john

Great news that your all ok and 10/10 for your dr not just palming you off with medication. I really belive in talking thorugh and being honest about your feelings. Talking about your feelings is a really good way of helping control/get rid of anxiety (well it has been for me) allowing time out for yourself to relax maybe listen to music and do things you enjoy doing and make you happy. I hope you get yourself sorted if things dont get any better for you perhaps go and see yoru doctor again and take up a bit of councelling to get your head around things and the way your feeling.

Love & Hugs from Sarah-Jane xxxx

18-04-05, 21:34
Wow , that is really unusual for the USA not to want to use medication first line. Good for him for trying another option first.

Ring the clinic and hopefully get some CBT very soon before you get into worse habits.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

18-04-05, 21:37
Hi John

Sounds like you have a great doctor, as to my little knowledge thought the first thing they did would give out tablets.

So he has reassured you that every thing is okay and is anxiety, so hope we can help you understand that and help you. Read some of the posts and it does help to realise you are not alone.

Look forward to hearing how you are getting on.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

18-04-05, 21:42
Great news

At least he isn't just reaching the prescription pad. When can you start getting some help then?


18-04-05, 22:11
I called the mental clinic and theres a 2 month waiting line!!! i talked to my mother and she said her boss had the same thing i have at my age and she took medications for it and worked, so i might just take up on the medication..anything that can help me because i'm really starving.

Hi i'm John

19-04-05, 09:45
hi john

good news u were ok, i think your doc should of gave u some kind of medication though to help some medications do work and it might of helped u.
