View Full Version : Cysts

17-06-08, 14:43
Hi All,

I havent been on here for a long time, well to be honest, not since the new site.

Anyway a bit of advise please:

Yesterday I went to the doctor, who examined me and said I had breast cyst. She hasnt referred me, said its nothing to worry about etc etc. Said I dont even need to go back if I dont want to.

Told me if she had this, she wouldnt worry at all or do anything about it.

Now my fear is cancer especially breast. So i'm thinking how do I get into my head that she wasnt just being nice to me. How do I know, she is sure it is not anything sinister and how do I stop prodding and poking and looking on the internet. I know I'm doing it, but I cant seem to help myself.

Any similar situations would be grateful, I need help to get all; this rubbish from my head.

Thanks all

17-06-08, 14:51
I don't think the doctor would pretend that it was a cyst just to be nice. She must be certain that it is a cyst otherwise she would have referred you onto someone else.

I know someone who had quite a few cysts over the years she is still going strong and is fit enough to play bowls a few times a week.:D

Cathy V
17-06-08, 14:55
Hi Emma, sorry you're so worried, but i think your doc being 'nice' to you would involve an instant referrral (they're called fast-track) if she had one teeny suspicion it was cancer. No way would she send you home telling you not to worry. I know they dont always get it right, but i would think that shes felt and seen enough breast lumps to know which ones need further investigation. My aunt had these breast cysts on and off most of her life and she's 70 now!

I know its easy for me to say not to worry coz this is your anx 'thing'...mine is my heart so i know about the unconvincing diagnosis! but from someone who doesnt have this breast cancer phobia, i can maybe see the bigger picture and i know you'll be fine.

Take care
Cathy xxx :)

milly jones
17-06-08, 14:59
hun ive had cysts before

i worried so much with the first that they aspirated it (not nice) to test the fluid.

i did have one suspect one where i was referred and the lump was removed under local anaethetic at the local hospital, no further problems ensued, except i got a speeding fine driving home lol.

everything will be ok hun, promise

they are very good at detecting any breast probs these days and if u didnt require a referral it isnt anything to be worried about

take care

milly xxx

17-06-08, 15:55
Thanks all for your replies, think i'll print this out to keep me level. She did say it was common, but as Cathy said, when its your phobia, you tend to look at the negative and what ifs all the time.

18-06-08, 12:17
Well Im back on here again today, still worried sick. Still googling the symptoms, still poking and prodding. Although still there, have noticed there a bit smaller today. Any ideas as to how I can work through accepting what the doctor said? Also does anyone know how long these cysts can stay for?

Thanks all xx

18-06-08, 12:30
Well Im back on here again today, still worried sick. Still googling the symptoms, still poking and prodding. Although still there, have noticed there a bit smaller today. Any ideas as to how I can work through accepting what the doctor said? Also does anyone know how long these cysts can stay for?

Thanks all xx

Hi Emma, the cysts can last for ever, they normally go up and down during your cycle. Only in March I was referred to the breast clinic - it was a cyst and it's been left alone - I could feel one lump but after the ultra-sound, the consultant confirmed I had quite a lot there and I didn't know it! However now that lump has been confirmed I now recognise it's a cyst so don't worry.

GP's now have very strict guidelines to follow and if your GP was in anyway concerned, she would've referred you. However if you are worried then you should go back and ask for a referral and I'm NOT saying this because there is anything wrong, but sometimes is comforting to have an ultra-sound so that the cysts and nodules etc can be identified and we then know what's normal for us. I go every 2 years to get checked out now purely because I'm very lumpy in my right breast but that's just me.

Try not to worry, we all have lots of lumps and bumps :hugs:

18-06-08, 12:37
Hi Jenny,

Thanks for that. Im very lumpy to, the doctor said this yesterday, but also said I dont need to be reffered as she knows its a cyst. Due to her experience.

I still keep prodding sd trying to work out the shape etc, whether there round, smooth etc.

I'm doing my own head in, have checked about 6 times in the last half hour.


18-06-08, 12:41
Sorry people,
but just a thought,
the things im doing, like keep checking, googling, finding negatives to what the doctor said. Is this all normal for anxiety??

milly jones
18-06-08, 12:44
hun ur going to make it sore by prodding

give ur surgery a ring and ask can u let the nurse have a check, to put ur mind at rest hun.

it will be ok but ur torturing urself with ur anx sweetie

i do know how that feels and u get past a point where u have to sort this to for ur peace of mind

i dont know if uve had any cbt therapy? this does help with anxious predictions

take care hun
milly xx

milly jones
18-06-08, 12:46
yes hun its anxiety

and googling makes things worse hun

read the website on nmp for reassurance

mill xx :hugs:

18-06-08, 13:52
Im going through CBT now, had 2 sessions.

My husband phoned the doctor after I came back, she told him it was just a cyst and I should be happy.

I hate being like this, the most annoying thing is, I know Im doing it.

It leaves me not wanting to go out, doing nothing at home.

milly jones
18-06-08, 15:07
hugs hun

take care

milly xx

18-06-08, 16:01
No probs here, Drs are scared of being sued so trust me if your Dr had any doubts you would have been sent of for tests.

Why don't you go have a mammogram (spelling?) it's where they scan your boobs.

I understand all the checking but instead of solving a symptom, go on a mission to boot your anxiety in the but!

Then you wont have anymore worries.

Meds work for me (in a big way) and cbt.

18-06-08, 18:35
Hmm, regarding a mammagram, I understand what your saying, but I will be worried sick before I went, let alone waiting for the results.

The doctor knows what I'm like, she has sent me for a test before for a couple of things, as she said she had to, cos she wasnt sure.

I guess that says it all, shes not worried.

If anyone has had cysts before like this and not been referred, can they contact me please. As I feel like the only one.


18-06-08, 20:09
I had a cyst on my eye for like 2 months. I went to the doctors to get it removed, It wasn't because It would affect my health, It was just annoying. It is easy to tell the difference between a cyst and a cancer lump, the sizes are different so don't get yourself worked up about it x

19-06-08, 09:05
Hi Emma - how old are you? I'm 41 now and on 5 occasions I have been to the breast clinic. The latest one (March) my GP referred me "as a matter of course" - and in his words, "not because I'm worried about the lump but because you are over 40". There is a clinical guidelines list - I believe there are 10 points, things like age, history, dimpling skin, discharge etc etc and my only "point" was my age so of course I was referred. I paid to go privately as I'm a scaredy pants :ohmy: and didn't want to wait - I saw the consultant within a week and had ultra-sound and mammogram there and then - plus they tell you straight away so you don't have to worry - this is standard at all breast clinics private & NHS - they pretty much let you know so you don't have to leave all worried :hugs:

Now my last bump and GP visit was 2 years ago. I visited my GP (a different doctor then) and she was happy it was either a cyst or fibroadenoma and was happy to leave it there but to be honest I was so stressed I literally begged to be referred. She said "I can see your anxious and if it would make you happy, I can refer you"? Of course I agreed and went off to the clinic and after a mammogram - all was well - nothing to be worried about.

Your GP is obviously happy of what she has felt - it's obviously smooth and mobile? - mine was, but as I said, because of my age, my GP referred me and as soon as the consultant felt the lump he had absolutely no doubt it was a cyst - they know what they are feeling for but as a matter of course I had all the checks done and I'm glad I did. My consultant said that you "would know" if something didn't feel right. Cancerous lumps are hard and don't move, sort of fixed to surrounding tissue. My lump is oval/sausage shape I suppose and about 2.5cm and still there however having it identified on the ultra-sound now reassures me that its my cyst when I check my breasts every month. Worse thing for me was that I discovered mine the night before I was due to go on my 2 week ski-ing holiday :scared15: but I tried to take comfort in that it was smooth and mobile but of course you cant help feeling the worse - it's very normal.

Like you though, as soon as I discover a lump I cant leave it alone, poking and prodding - first thing I do in the morning and the last thing at night. It drives me mad and I end up making the area sore :wacko:

The consultants I've seen have always said "if you discover a lump, wait until your period then check again" - most disappear after a period - most of mine have - "however if it's still there then come and see us".

This happened to me. My last lump didn't disappear after my period (whilst I was on holiday) so off I went. Even though we think that a lump hasn't disappeared then it must be something sinister - it doesn't mean that, it just means that the cyst isn't draining or you have a nodule or fibroadenoma.

I'm sorry I've rambled but I've gone through this a few times now and have read quite a lot about breast cancer - sometimes to read about these things gives you more knowledge and facts - it's not all bad and statistics are improving all the time. Only this morning I found this and it's very reassuring:


However at the end of the day, it's your body and your right to be referred if you remain unhappy and anxious. Sometimes we need tests just for peace of mind :hugs:

19-06-08, 09:27
Hi Jenny,

Im 39. I have another appointment today with my doctor at 11.10. Will explain what i'm worried about then.

I think today it has actually gone down a bit? So if she says that aswell, then I'll be ok.

Still shaking and very anxious though :-( In fact I didnt eat yesterday, as I couldnt

Emma x

19-06-08, 10:19
Hi Jenny,

Im 39. I have another appointment today with my doctor at 11.10. Will explain what i'm worried about then.

I think today it has actually gone down a bit? So if she says that aswell, then I'll be ok.

Still shaking and very anxious though :-( In fact I didnt eat yesterday, as I couldnt

Emma x

well that's good you're going along but for your peace of mind, why don't you ask for an ultra-sound? 39 is a good age to start screening, I wouldn't be happy waiting until i'm 50 (as the recommendation states). You'd feel so much better knowing whats "normal" for you.

19-06-08, 12:45
Ok, went to docs, told her all my fears. She felt again, said there is 2 next to each other, very small, soft and mobile. If it was her, she wouldnt worry at all about them or get them checked out as she is sure they are fine. She said she has felt cancerous lumps b4 and these are nothing like that

I have to try and stop googling.