View Full Version : advice for friday please....

17-06-08, 20:40
hi all, I am exhibiting my work on fri & I am getting worked up that I won't be able to be there due to my anxiety. I had a p/a in asda the other day & it wasn't even busy, what am I going to be like on Fri night when it is packed with people & its really warm??? The way I am feeling at the mo is that I might not even be ok to even set up my work, never mind go to the actual exhibition! any advice/tips welcome please. xxxx

eternally optimistic
17-06-08, 20:49
Hi Jane

Im sorry about the PA in Asda!!

Try not to think about why you wont be able to exhibit your work, YOU WILL.

Think of all the positives and how you will feel after you've done. You can do it.

Good luck.