View Full Version : BACK PAIN

miss motown
17-06-08, 20:45
well ive had this pain down my spine for sometime now everytime i put presure on one spot its hurts like mad.also across the top of my back i get this heat sensation as if im sitting by the fire ur it feels like the sun is burning my back.does anybody else get this ive had it awhile now.

18-06-08, 11:20
the burning pain you are experiencing is probably torn/damaged muscles fibres. have you tried taking a course of anti-inflammories (nurofen etc)? This will help it settle down. Alternatively a good osteopath or physio.

19-06-08, 12:50
Hi Miss Mowtown

I have the same problem at the moment. Where is your pain? Mine is right in the lower back. I find it stops me from sleeping at night as I cant get comfortable.

Mine came on after a sports massage quite a few weeks ago. I am seeing an osteopath for treatment and think it is referred pain, but it is really unpleasant. It seems to be a lot worse lying down. Doctor thinks I am making problem worse with stress and has advised me to have NLP to cope. Like you pain is in one place, and I can relate to the burning feeling as I seem to get that too.

Anti inflammatories haven't seemed to help and this happened about 8 weeks ago. Cant believe stress/anxiety could cause these problems!

Katie x