View Full Version : How would you define beauty?

18-06-08, 04:44
Yes, I know, a sickly soppy spew up time thread so get your bucket ready!:foot:

I understand the reasons but I think one of the saddest things I come across is when people think so little of themselves when they couldn't be more caring if they tried!

I was watching a programme recently where a woman with a badly deformed face was interviewed. She had a really lovely personality so in time you forgot how she looked because she had so much beauty emanating from within her.

I was looking at some of the member photos on here last night too. I didn't see one person on there who I would call unattractive and yet I recognised some of the names who in their eyes think so little of themselves.

The media often displays stick insect models who they say are beautiful but when you get to know their personalities they are often shallow and vain which to me makes them ugly.

I heard on the News just now that nurses will be awarded points, I think! according to how compassionate they are to their patients. Well, I reckon alot of nurses on here who think so little of themselves will be top scoring!

Sometimes beauty emits from a persons face. It can be through their eyes, their smile or the warmth in their personality. If a model smiles but has no personality, I don't feel they're beautiful. I'm sure women also think the same way about men. It's not how we look, it's who we are.

I just can't get over how many attractive and good looking men and women there are on here who can't see the "beauty" that's held within them.

If a person says they're not beautiful, it probably means they are because only a beautiful personality will say it's not beautiful.....and there are Alot of those people on here! In fact you make me envious because I feel quite ugly compared!....Don't argue!:winks: :hugs:

Ok, you can empty your bucket now!...I won't look!:whistles:

18-06-08, 07:10
Hey Bill

I think a lot of how people feel about themselves in terms of attractiveness stems from how they feel about themselves as people.

I know my mind sometimes distorts how I think I look due to what I really feel about myself as a person. Now I have recognised this, I take what I see in the mirror with a pinch of salt because sometimes my distorted thinking makes me think I look worse than I do.

Right, I'll be on my way with my bucket then ;)

Jo xxxxx

18-06-08, 08:53
Bill yet again you have got my brain working :D

Not looking for a sympathy vote...but just trying to get my view across.

I don't and never had judged people by the way they look. To me a person who has a great personality, is caring, kind, loving etc is way way better, than someone who is drop dead gorgous and a complete and utter b***h or b*****d, but then saying that, not every drop dead gorgous person is that way, although most are!

As for myself, hmmm difficult one. I know that I am caring etc, and I would do anything I possibley could to help out a loved one or friend, but...the way I see myself is downright fat and ugly, sorry but just saying what I see. Some days I look in the mirror and think how can anyone possibley want to be seen with someone like me, I havent got the perfect face, I havent got the perfect hair and I most definately havent got the perfect figure. Yes I know the media has a lot to answer for on the above...but so does most peoples attitudes. I have been shunned time and time again for the way I look.

For me beauty comes from within, as my mum always told me 'good looks fade, but a good personality lasts forever'

Kaz xx

18-06-08, 09:18
I believe there are two types of beauty being discussed here; aesthetic beauty (what you look at) and substantial beauty (that which is within and without and all around, spiritual almost).

Me I'd go for substance every time. It gives a person radiance and a glow. It's in that ready smile and helping hand. What really is beautiful is that genuine connection between one human being and another.

Pooh xx

milly jones
18-06-08, 12:07
bill i have to agree with u

when ive been privaledged enough to have shared members msns i cant get over that these wonderful ppl who care so much about me and so little about themselves are so beautiful.

ladies u know who u are, ur not only beautiful inside but outside too.

i know thats not important what u look like but its given me the confidence t share my photo now with just a few ppl, and they still like me!! i fear that when ppl look at me they judge me. but my friends at nmp knew me without a face. thank you nmp xx

so u are right beauty is within the persons soul, the shell is something fragile that can be changed, altered, but the central core is the person u are. that is what ppl learn to love and accept u for when u let them in.

milly xx

Sweetpea Jade
19-06-08, 09:56
What is beauty? We all see things differently, what one person sees as beauty another person doesn’t, as we all interpret the word beauty differently how boring life would be if we didn’t. According to the dictionary beauty is “the combination of all the qualities of a person or thing that delight the senses and mind”.

19-06-08, 10:41
Hi Bill,

I believe that beauty comes from within, I never judge a person on the way they look, to me looks don't matter, its the person you are inside that counts. I do wish though that I didn't judge myself on the way I looked, I often feel ugly and useless, I'm not too sure why I am so critical about myself but not others guess it is the lack of self worth


20-06-08, 20:20
Beauty is a good glass of red wine on a Friday evening after a hellish week at work ;)

Just kiddin (kinda lol).

Beauty is so subjective. I think we all look for traits in people that make us feel loved/liked/safe/accepted when we see those qualities in someone we are naturally attracted to their physical appearance also.

Then there is seeing a picture of someone that you don't know or seeing someone on the street etc that you find attractive for no other reason other than how they look. This apparently has a basis in science, in chemistry etc but I like to think of Jonathon Ryes Myers in less terms of science than in terms of yumminess myself ;)

20-06-08, 20:31
Beauty definitely comes from within, its a quality that you cannot buy via surgical enhancements or expensive lotions and potions, you'v either got it or you ain't beauty is a state of mind which we all feel when we feel good about ourselves, everyone on here whom thinks that they are ugly, fat etc etc is believing that cruel belief that comes from poor self esteem when we are feeling low or because other abusive people have made us feel like that .

Anyway I don't know why I am saying all this.


(vital stats 5ft 10 ins 9 stone b38 waist18 hips34, long blonde hair and enchanting blue eyes!)

if you believe that you will believe anything

20-06-08, 20:34
:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

Please don't start pming me like the bejaysus, I am not really 5ft 10 and 8 stone, I just thought it would cheer us all up:hugs: If I really looked like that I would be in town giving in large or sitting on a bar stool looking very superior.

20-06-08, 20:41
:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

Please don't start pming me like the bejaysus, I am not really 5ft 10 and 8 stone, I just thought it would cheer us all up:hugs: If I really looked like that I would be in town giving in large or sitting on a bar stool looking very superior.

That is TOO funny you got all those PMs.

04-03-09, 03:37

i know no one has commented on this for ages but i thought id bring it up.

i do think the true measure of beauty is the character of a person not how they look. I try my hardest to disregard any aesthetic judgements about people because I know that what someone looks like on the outside is not indicitive of their heart, their soul and their personality. I think one of the true indications of beauty is in the way a person treats others - not just friends but how much respect and compassion they show towards strangers. I think if you look at the interactions between friends and the interactions between strangers you should be able to see the beauty within someone. Although there are some friends that tease each other as a joke so you have to disregard that. lol.

as much as i try to live my life by not judging people by their outward appearance a lot of people do. the amount of times i have been disregarded because of how i look. i hate the way i look. i feel hideous and i know people judge me based on that. they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder but there are certain features that make you more beautiful - they say a symetrical face and wide, open eyes and a nice smile. i have none of them.

but oh well. you have do deal with what you have. its sad that people can be blinded by their own persuit of physical beauty and not see the inner beauty so many people possess.

(...sorry if it doesnt make sense. )

i hate panicking
04-03-09, 03:57
Hi shoppinspree,

Can I just say that I cannot believe that you have been disregarded by how you look..I looked at your profile pic and you look lovely and you certainly are NOT hideous:) ...but i do understand where you are coming from as I have had similar issues to you,but i would rather be with someone who is caring and has a nice personality than someone with an ego and loves themselves!!

please don't put yourself down:bighug1:

04-03-09, 04:03
You two must have circus mirrors in your houses !!

i hate panicking
04-03-09, 04:16

04-03-09, 04:57
Oh Double WOW!:blush:

Wow, because I'd forgotten all about this thread..........and Wow, because there are Beautiful twins who both think of themselves as ugly! It's so sad.:weep:

I'm with you Mick! I think we ought to buy them proper mirrors that offer TRUE reflections of not just their very attractive looks but also reveal their beautiful souls.:hugs:

I know the reasons we grow to hate ourselves. I don't like myself much either but I honestly find it So Sad when beautiful people can't see their true reflections.

In honour of the beautiful people on here like these two who hate themselves...

The rarest

When times are bleak and all hope feels lost,
It is difficult to find help free of cost,
We flounder and wallow through thick trees,
Without aim or purpose, no assistance or guidance,

Yet from the darkness, bright lights appear,
That show love and kindness to dry our tears,
Who provide support for our struggle through,
With comforting words said by so very few,

For we live, and one day we all die,
Yet with our precious angels somehow we survive,
Til our time is up,
And the end is abrupt,

Yet through a lifetime, our lives cross,
Special people appear when all feels lost,
Through difficult times, they help us climb tall walls,
For they are indeed our Beautiful angels, our rarest friends of all.:hugs:

04-03-09, 05:15
Shoppinspree !! You are soo cute and pretty.. but I understand that you don't always see what others see, and perhaps you will feel that we are 'just saying it to make you feel better'..

Beauty is relative, it's like art, everyone sees something different and what one would find attractive another would not. In some countries like Thailand, women that wear many gold rings around their necks to lengthen them are favoured. In a part of Africa, Women with teeth that have been chiselled into points are considered beautiful. Here young girls focus on being slim and forever on a diet, but in another part of the world, I think in a part of India, young girls are made to drink copious amounts of milk to gain weight, as fat women are seen as the most beautiful and not skinny ones.. Unfortunately it is society that seems to dictate what we should or should not find attractive.

In regards to playing the mating game, either with the opposite sex or same sex, depending on your preference. Again everyone is different, obviously there usually has to be some sort of physical attraction in the begining but in the long run, if Mr or Mrs Prince Charming turns out to be a real cad, it don't matter what the packaging looks like!.. bottom line, it's the personality that counts.. whether you are what one would class physically attractive or not, if you feel good about yourself, are kind, caring thoughtful, etc etc etc ... then that will always win out in the end. IMO.

As for self image, non of us are perfect..( though I'm damn near close it scares me :D).. kidding!.. there is always going to be something we wish we could change about our appearance. I wish my legs were longer and my boobs were bigger ! lol.. but.. I accept myself for who I am.. warts and all.. ( not that I actually have any warts btw :shades: )

I get ugly days.. when I look in the mirror and thing OMG! I wouldn't want to wake up next to me haha.. but other times I look and I think.. hmm not bad for nearly 40!.

and for the record, I think everyone here is GORGEOUS ! :yahoo:

Paul goforit
04-03-09, 15:35
I guess its easy to spend time worrying how you believe people perceive you. I know that my family and friends see me for what I am as a person, and at the end of the day thats all im interested in.

Some people can judge you for how you look, and its these people that are self centred, ignorant, and ugly........

And to these people :-

'Beauty is only skin deep, but ugliness goes clean to the bone'

Beauty is who you are, what you are, the life you lead, the people you love, and those who love you. Anything beyond this is really immaterial.

One more thing..........Beauty is also a SMILE:D...........go on try it!!

04-03-09, 16:20
I do think that beauty comes from within. I have a lot of friends who are very attactive on the outside, stunning in fact, but because they know they are attractive, it makes them less attractive if you know what I mean. I have one friend who is stunning & she has now awareness of how beautiful she is which makes her even more beautiful and she is a lovely lovely person. I don't like vanity & think it makes someone very ugly however stunning they are on the outside. x

09-03-09, 04:12
On a more 'serious' note. I found this and thought it would fit here.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye."

Miss Piggy_:hugs:

I think strong is beautiful, strong and independent. Everything I'm not.

09-03-09, 23:02
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye."

haha! that quote is hilarious. and thanks to all of those people who have commented. its always good to hear peoples perspectives, although i dont believe it at the moment i'll take it on board for when i am better able to deal with it. I think everyone has something beautiful about them...whether it be physical or personality wise. I think you are beautiful if you are compassionate, empathetic and warm hearted. From what i can see on this thread, everyone here is beautiful.

i hate panicking
09-03-09, 23:11
Well you should believe it shoppinspree:) i'm a woman and i know you are attractive!!! and yes your right people are beautiful if they are compassionate, empathetic and warm hearted and that's why you are beautiful too, believe it:D

10-03-09, 00:26
i tend to find beauty in the oddest places .. and i find unusual things and people to be the most beautiful. i'm drawn to dark people and unconventional approaches .. i love little quirks and what some people see as strange or nasty, i tend to gravitate towards. in fact, i think that's one of my most redeeming qualities. and whenever i get down on myself or think i'm gross for whatever reason - i remind myself of that fact and remember that truly good people see beauty everywhere. it really lifts me up when i feel like crap. because hey, SOMEONE out there has to love me. i am weird and crazy but it's me. and if all else fails.. as my dad says, there's a toilet seat for every *******. ;)

i hate panicking
10-03-09, 00:32
. as my dad says, there's a toilet seat for every *******. ;)

LOL justbananas

10-03-09, 01:10

10-03-09, 17:28
I started to read this thread and then realised how old it was!!! Blimey Bill how brilliant that it's come to the surface again. See how marvellous your posts are - they get brought up from the past now lol!!!!!!

Beauty - well we are drawn to people if they have kind faces, nice eyes etc etc. I think that's human nature.

I haven't got a photo on my profile thingy on here - just waiting for a really good photo of me to be taken - for some reason my family just can't take photos cos when I look at them I know I am far more beautiful than the picture depicts. THAT WAS A JOKE BY THE WAY. Lol.

Nah, I like personalities. People don't have to be beautiful. What is beauty anyway. You can find beauty in all sorts of things.

I don't like all this plastic, false beauty though I have to admit that. Anyone else think that some of these celebrities just look a bit sort of thunderbird like. Like dolls actually - Barbies and Kens.

Anyway that's me.