View Full Version : Looking for weight loss ideas?

18-06-08, 10:21
Hi! I am 35 years old lady and really becoming belligerent due to fast increasing weight. I made lots of efforts to reduce it but didn’t get any fruitful outcomes. I really feel uncomfortable when I come in contact with people who are slim and smart. I also want my appearance like them. Please give me some suggestions for reducing the constantly growing weight.

18-06-08, 16:51
hiya scottie well i would say first that im sure you are lovely but if u feel the need to lose alittle weight then start off exercise everyday mayb a half hour brisk walk everyday and mayb if u have big meals half your portions and try cutting out alot of sugar and fats. i lost a stone by doing this and its stayed off. you will be knackered at first but after month or so you will feel more energetic, positive, happy and lose weight too and firm up. by eating sensible and mayb just having a small treat here and there and never weight yourself go by your clothes. mayb buy something a size or 2 smaller and every now and again try it on, it will give u an incentive. but dont crash diet cos as soon as you stop te weight will go straight back on. just eat sensible a little of wot u want wont hurt and alittle exercise every day is the answer and the weight will stay off. i cut out most takeaways mayb just treat myself every now and again hope this helps a little hugs xxx

19-06-08, 05:18
Don’t be so deprived it is really a familiar issue today. Many people are facing this problem like yours. But every problem has some solution also. Few days ago one of my friend met me and she was also facing the same problem in past but now she seems to be very happy and confident. She came across *LINK REMOVED*which really helped her. I think you should try this. Hope it will help you too.

19-06-08, 06:53
Hi there, not sure how much you want to lose or need to lose (if a medical practitioner has suggested that you should), but what about a local group meeting like weight watchers, to give you support? Maybe your MD's office have healthy and balanced diet sheets you could follow. Take it slowly though and as someone has said, don't deprive yourself too much else you'll get cravings for whatever it is you are denying yourself. Good Luck.

19-06-08, 09:54
My daughter in law recently lost quite a lot of weight just by buying the Weight Watchers books off eBay and this is the second time that she's used them and been successful when other methods of losing weight have eluded her.

I have been watching my weight since I was a teenager and now many years later I find it harder as it really is true that our metabolism slows down as we get older.

I find if I eat a well balanced breakfast of cereals with fruit, a yoghurt and banana for lunch and then a well balanced evening meal that I can lose weight quite easily.

I've been helping my partner lose weight for the past couple of months and he has managed to lose over half a stone just by reducing the amount of fat he eats and starting his day with a decent breakfast.

I do think it's good to exercise whilst you are dieting too as they do say it helps to speed up the metabolism and also tones up the body too.

Good luck with your weight loss :yesyes: