View Full Version : Really anxious the last few days

18-06-08, 13:04
I have been really anxious for the last few days. I have had a few panic attacks and been worried about daft stuff like if food doesn't smell right I won't eat it so I have to go and get another thing to eat instead and I have been going to the toilet a little more.

I have been worrying about almost everything needing reassurance for 5 or 6 things in a day. I just feel all worried and if somebody has a go at me I end up feeling worse. I just feel over loaded with symptoms this week I had the really vivid dreams and something as little as a spot has got me worried.

Does anybody else get this? I know it's probably anxiety and i have not been out as much this week and the last few weeks so it's maybe not helped. I know sometimes I get weeks with more symptoms than others but when you have not had them all for a while they become more scary when they return for some reason. I just feel I am going mad with all the symptoms. Some other weeks i don't get any of these symptoms and others it will be another thing I worry about.

18-06-08, 14:15
Hi PHil

sorry to hear you are so anxious at the moment, i know how u feel. do u think anything has triggered this? going to the loo more is a common sympton of anxiety.

when you are in a high anxious state anything even the tiniest usually the tiniest thing can set you off. is there anything you do to relax or you enjoy doing to distract you?



18-06-08, 16:32
Terrible that you're feeling this way for days on end. Nothing out of the ordinary though right? I mean, other than the "usual" anxiety feelings and physical symptoms? Sometimes its just a waiting game -- just have to hang in there until things fade a bit. If it doesn't bother you to go out, you might want to take a few walks, breathe in the fresh air (what's left of it anymore).

I have found that paying attention to things off in the distance, as well as fine detail of surroundings, makes me feel less about being bottled up inside myself. Feel how open everything is. Let yourself open up with it. Feel as if you're as big all around as the distance that you can see. Pay attention to as many things as you can.

Don't let your attention swing back to yourself and how you feel. You'll find that, with anxiety, many times the only time we feel badly is when we're thinking about it. If something comes along that takes our mind off of how we feel, we don't feel the symptoms any longer. I find that amazing!

We do get sucked into ourselves when we're having a "bout", don't we?

In any case, sorry that you're having a turn, and I hope its coming to a resolution for you. There's always good days coming . . . that's what I always would tell myself to get through the bad ones -- while learning how to get rid of it altogether.