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18-06-08, 13:24
I just had a panic attack at work!!! It felt horrible......

It lasted about 5 minutes or so and it was related to my "difficulty taking a good breath" symptom. I am still shaky and a bit light-headed.....

The attack basically started right after I tried to take 2 deep breaths but couldn't really do that. This breathing "situation" is my most sever symptom now. I am actually seeing my GP on Monday about that. I just need to put my mind to rest.

I was able to largely overcome the ectopics and the light-headedness is definitely improving but now this came along!!! Arrrrghhhh.....

18-06-08, 13:28
Its probably only a little set back:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: you will be ok:yesyes:

18-06-08, 14:07
Hi Nomore,

I'm sorry you had an attack today but well done for coping so well. :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

18-06-08, 14:13
Hi Nomore, Im sorry you are having a bad time at the moment. Try do to what I do, tell yourself its just a 'blip' and in a few hours time you will be back to your usual self.

I know its so easy for others to say that, especially when you are the one going thro the panic, but believe me, I know exactly how you are feeling at the moment

Hope you feel better soon


18-06-08, 15:24
Thanks for the support everyone!:) I do feel a bit better now.

We'll see what my GP is going to say on Monday. I am thinking that they'll probably want to do a chest x-ray or something and check for asthma.

19-06-08, 16:05
Try not to worry - hyperventilation is horrible. When I start getting like that I hold my breath for a few seconds and drop my shoulders coz everytime I try to take a deep breath I start breathing weird anfd I panic that i cant get a deep breath in.Our body can cope without us consciously thinkging about breathing!
Wenjoy x

19-06-08, 16:29
If you are at work, in an office. go outside and walk around. Much easier that way IMO

20-06-08, 09:20
I try to walk around and focus on making tea for others in the office or going to the loo and splashing cold water down my neck!!! Weird but helpfuL!!!
Wenjoy x

20-06-08, 12:56
I know this is an odd question but were you standing up or sitting down at the time?

The reason I ask is because I was reading up on hyperventiliation because I am a bit prone to it when I'm in pain (i.e. every month), and one website suggested that an alternative to the paper bag method of control was to sit down. I'm a bit sceptical of this so I'm kind of curious to see if one is less likely to hyperventilate sitting down (because if so, it would be much less embarassing to try when I hyperventilate in public - plus it's really hard to find paper bags these days).