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19-04-05, 03:10
I was told Valium would help me, have a friend that had what i got and took it and said it worked, what u guys think?

Hi i'm John

19-04-05, 03:12
yeah it'll work temporarily.....xanax is good too....where in usa are u from?

19-04-05, 03:44
i'm from new jersey

yeah i looked at reviews and heard nothing but good things about Valium

Hi i'm John

19-04-05, 05:44
Valium plays a huge role with anxiety and panic temporarily by relaxing you and providing some relief.

It will not take aaway any worrying thoughts, just damp them down.

You can get addicted within 4 weeks though so use it sparingly if you go down this route. Xanax is a more potent version so try valium first

If you have 'heard nothing but good things about Valium' then I suggest you take a view at this so you are aware of both aspects of it..



Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

19-04-05, 11:54
Hi loco. I took Vallium years ago on a regular basis and at that time didn’t know that it was so addictive. It made me tired and drowsy at the start then didn’t really work, as I stayed on them longer. Then when it was time to come off them it was pure hell, I was more anxious and ill than I had ever been. As Meg said if you have to try them only take one and lowest dose u can. When u r really really bad. I still have some vallium but would only take an odd one when I really really need to; the last one I took was a couple of months ago. The best road is to use a good relaxation CD/tape and really stick to it daily, Deep breathing exercises and positive affirmations. Also have a good read at the main pages in this website they will help you too. Take care. Vernon

19-04-05, 19:31
John it has it's place and can instantly relieve symptoms but just be careful not to abuse it and take it all the time.


19-04-05, 20:39
just aslong as it can help me swallow food, i been starving

Hi i'm John

19-04-05, 21:48
Hi John

It does help but is addictive. I use it but only when it gets too hard to do it alone.

Use it when will benefit you but remember constant use of it is addictive and it then doesnt work aswell.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

20-04-05, 03:43
Thanks, I don't know if i'm going to take Valium.. i know i'm going to a very good and expensive doctor on Thursday so he should give me something that can really help me.

Hi i'm John

20-04-05, 07:05

Hope he helps you on Thursday and get you on the road to recovery.

Let us know how it goes.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

Dave S
20-04-05, 21:11
Hi John, I took Valium (2mg) once or twice for about a week, then it didn't seem to work as well, so I needed 2 x 2mg tablets, that worked for a while...after about a month I needed 3 x 2mg tablets...you get my drift? It is very easy to get used to them and need more and more...They do help relieve tension and nervousness, but only use when really panicky! I changed to using Valerian..3 x 450mg tablet s was as good as one valium, but the effects stayed the same ...didn't need to take more and more. Also kava kava is similar and non addictive too with few side effects...The doc will not prescribe these, but most health shops have them ...google them to get more info...they have worked for me...as well as St Johns Wort...but that took 6weeks to take effect...Good luck, Dave

Dave S

03-07-05, 11:32
Hi Guys
I,ve been on 5mg Valium / day for 2 yrs now. Seems to work OK but I resist the urge to take more.
Years ago when I didn't know any better a Dr put me on 90mg a day for 2 years Hell coming off it