View Full Version : In a state about MS - again

18-06-08, 13:41
Not at work today as my dad had a stroke at the weekend and he should be coming home today. Have spent the morning surfing on (reputable) websites about MS.

Some of you might know from my other posts that I am terrified of MS - have had strange symptoms since March, seen various GPs and a neurologist (who said he didn't think I had a progressive illness). He ordered an MRI scan (for my peace of mind) which I had last week and am awaiting my results.

Since Sunday I have had a sore right leg and a vaguely crampy foot. The foot sometimes feels really cold. Have read today on posts by MS sufferers that this is an MS symptom. Also read about other symptoms people have had and I have had these too - but the neurologist still said know to MS. Also read today that there are some people who have later been diagnosed with MS who have 'clean' MRI results. What if this happens to me?

I am so scared I feel like throwing up. The hospital told me my results would take around a week to get to me (had MRI last Tue, results will be posted out to me) but I am too scared to phone my GP. Have tried to speak to my partner over the past couple of days but he freaks out and says that I need to listen to what the doctor's have told me. I think he is scared too and just doesn't want to discuss it. I feel hopeless and I don't know what to do anymore.

18-06-08, 14:13
Ah yes the ms worry, I had this one I am still waiting for mri, 8 weeks!

I went back on my meds 3 weeks ago and now i'm not even worried, the symptoms have gone too and they were soo real.

I'll bet you it's anxiety causing all your symptoms, you will be just fine, you did the right thing you had an mri nom just pick up the ph and find out the results.

Also if you were googling you know that there are diff types of ms, you can't go ahead andthink you have the worst one!

Also ms is treatable and you dont die from it.

Hope that puts your mind at ease also the chances of you having ms are really really slim.

Your dad being unwell has prob triggerd this one off.

goood luck

18-06-08, 15:58
Thanks for this, just phoned GP, results still not in...have been told to try again tomorrow (did ask for them to get GP to chase up like hospital told me to but receptionist refused and told me to phone back tomorrow...why do they have to make this even more difficult?).

This is freaking me out. my chest feels really tight and its getting difficult to breathe.

18-06-08, 16:14
VeeBee ..... Just relax ..... i know its easier said than done.

You have a major advantage in that you have seen a neuro who basically said your symptoms are not related to MS. If that were me, that would be a great comfort.

Ive not seen a neuro .... ive only seen a GP who has said its anxiety, but i feel just becasue they diagnosed me with anxiety..... dont take me seriously when i present with other symptoms. So i guess for now i have to take their word for it.

Stop googling. Ive not googled in a week and feel better for it. You google to find evidence to support your anxiety theory - but your not going to find it on an MS Site.

18-06-08, 16:23
I know I shouldn't have googled...hadn't done it in ages but for some reason, being in the house all day with nothing to do it just seemed like the perfect opportunity to feed my addiction (sorry that sounds overdramatic).

My mind just keeps turning everything over - what if neuro missed something? What if I didn't describe everything properly? what if I've gone to see him at too early stage in the illness? I think things through to such a degree that I'm driving myself mad with it. I used to think it was a good thing to think about all the possibilities and now I know its not. I don't want to go back to how I was feeling in March but I think I may not be able to stop myself. And the appearance of more weird and not so wonderful symptoms just makes things worse.

I really, really don't think your symptoms are anything sinister - it definitely sounds like anxiety to me. Your MRI would have picked something like that up. And remember doc said that it will take a while for things to calm down.

19-06-08, 09:08
Hello again,

Have you ever tried antidepressants, I know I know if you have read my posts i go on about them all the time, it's just that they have helped me so much.

Like I was telling you before, I was worried about MS and made my Dr send me to Neuro, Still waiting for the appointment!

But since I have been back on my meds I am not worried about this one anymore and the symptoms I had have just gone.....

If you want to ease your mind, just think if your symptoms got that bad you would go to hospital straight away and they would mri you there and then.

You would then get treatment, so how about you forget about the ms till that day comes.....but it won't.

Really, meds and cbt are the way to go.


Cathy V
19-06-08, 10:04
....and what if the results come back and you do have ms...what then? will you kill yourself, or will you cope with it? whats makes us so special that we can't have a 'real' illness? Sometimes i think it would be easier on everyone around us if we did, then we would just have to get on with it, and our friends and family would help us. People who dont have health anxiety lose patience because they cant for the life of them understand why something as small as a twitchy muscle spasm could lead our thoughts down the serious illness path.

So what you're saying is that if your results come back as normal again you won't believe them...again. At some point later in your life you just might develop it, so might I, and so might the man next door, but you know what? right now, in the present you don't have ms, and i dont have it and he doesnt have it. Why live in a prison when the door is open?

Best wishes
Cathy xxx :)

19-06-08, 10:15
Hi VeeBee. I'm sure that IF there was anything of any concern, they would've contacted you sooner - it's been over a week now and I would assume from that alone that all is well. I've been through the MS fear myself and had an MRI and my consultant was on holiday so I had to wait 2 weeks for the results :ohmy: but I took comfort that they would've been in touch instead of leaving things.

Like you, I was so convinced I had MS, googled all the symptoms, went on MS websites - looking back - it was really scary, however every symptom we have, be it a head ache, stomach ache - if you look long and hard enough, you will find a page with cancer or MS linked to it, or some other horrible illness. I even found somewhere that a symptom was numbness in a joint (must've found that on page 77 of google search :ohmy: ) and convinced myself that my right big toe was numb - it was madness but yet I still believed I had MS and that was my life over.

I know it's hard, and especially with your dad's recent stroke, that will just make your feelings worse, but I would trust what the neuro man said - they know what they are looking for - they see thousands of people. Your MRI has been done for your peace of mind, not his.

You'll be fine. I've been there and goggled some neurological sites and concinved myself my brain was giving up so I know how scary it is but like me, you'll be fine :hugs: