View Full Version : I have had the worse time

18-06-08, 16:54
Hey all

I have been not around, reason being, on Sunday I fell off my bike and tore my groin. Since then I have gone through a rollercoaster :ohmy:

I have been in hospital for 3 days had surgery. I feel like i have faced so many fears head on, its been terrifying. My big fear at the moment being blood clots, I had to have a blood thinner as was immobile, and compression socks. I was so scared.
I had palpitations, and have had 3 ECG's and was terrified there was something wrong with me, as had chest pains, but no, just anxiety.

Now i am home and have to get back to some kind of normal life. My confidence is more shattered then before I had the accident, and I am terrified. I was so scared. I just don't know what todo


18-06-08, 16:59
hi emira god i am sorry, wot a nasty accident you had, and you have been through it but you conquered loads whilst dealing with anxietys and being in pain so well done and it will take a while for u to feel yourself again but thats fine hun, take it slowly cos you need to heal and a few weeks you will start to feel much better and your confidence will grow, dont let this stop you from being happy, keep busy whilst resting internet, reading, emails etc and mayb if u got some good books on overcoming anxietys etc they may giv u a boost while u resting up, i hope you are feeling better soon hugs xx

18-06-08, 17:44

Sorry to hear wot happened to u.

hope u feel better soon

love mandie x

milly jones
18-06-08, 17:58
hiya em

hope ur feeling better soon lovely

http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd152/heidi51/thinkinofuflower.gif milly xx

18-06-08, 18:21
Oh dear sorry to hear of your ordeal, it sounds like you've had a tough time.

I have also recently been in hospital and I think the compression socks are something they give to all patients undergoing surgery these days, not sure about blood thinners though.

I think chest pains after surgery are common too, I know I had them and was told it was either from the anesthetic or from using muscles to move around that I hadn't used before.

It is hard to get back to some normality when you get home I know. Having health anxiety is horrible and when you have to go into hospital suddenly like you did then it's bound to make you feel very vulnerable.

I hope that you are feeling better soon :hugs:

18-06-08, 19:22
Hi Emira

What a horrible accident and very painful I imagine. Well done to you for getting through it I bet you can't imagine how you managed it but just think you did it even though it must of been so difficult and frightening. Try and look at some of the positive things that have come about because of this. You have had surgery so they must have checked your heart and lung function and found them to be good. You probably had loads of different blood tests and they have come back good. The thing about the blood thinners is nothing to worry about. My daughter had to have an operation a few weeks ago and she is pregnant and on bed rest. They gave her blood thinners so they are perfectly safe. The white socks are normal procedure for anyone having an op. So even though you have had to have some painful procedures and I'm sure staying in the hospital was difficult you have been able to have some checks done which should reassure you that you are in good working order except for the groin which will get better soon.

I hope you have a speedy recovery and wish you well

18-06-08, 20:15
:ohmy: OMG.........Me Ems :flowers:

God mate are you ok???? I was just wondering yesterday where you had been hiding? You poor poor love!!!!:bighug1:

Gimma a shout when your on!!

Love and huggies

18-06-08, 20:26
I got a bit of an infection, I had my operation Monday, and came out this morning. So not bad huh.
I have had a few ECGS as I panicked and my heart went haywire, but all anxiety.

I had blood thinners as I could not get up for a couple of days, so I had that last night, and I could only have a sock on one leg as my other leg is sore as you can imagine!!

I was scared I would never see my babies again, but I am determined I hope to turn this into something positive.
you guys are right, I have had numerous tests and even when my heart got up to 160 bpm the doctors did not batter an eyelid. So that told me something.
I am still scared though, and am trying to keep it together. I had a good cry today, I think its the shock of everything to be honest.

I have missed you guys

18-06-08, 20:46
Wondered why you havent been around lately hun...im really sorry to hear you hurt yourself so badly.
I really hope you feel better very soon
Love n hugs

19-06-08, 11:17
Thanks Lesley

Feel a bit better after a sleep in my own bed, going to see my GP today.

milly jones
19-06-08, 11:28
still thinking of u em my mate

take care hun

mill xx