View Full Version : Is this ANXIETY ??

19-04-05, 10:24

I'm having a problem with these constant symptoms, that i can't work out if it's anxiety or not.

Seen an cranial osteopath yesterday regarding the following symptoms tingling/pin's needles/burning in back of head, face, lips, tongue, hands, fingers,feet etc. seems to get 10 times worse when sleeping and i don't feel as if i'm having panic attacks. Also have problems concentrating on the simplest we thing ie. reading, talking, when speaking I feel as if my tongue/mouth is swollen and i'm not speaking right. Just not interesed in anything at the moment apart from my health, which seems to be ruling my life. Yesterday the Osteopath didn't know where to start as i had so many symptoms so she has reffered me back for tests on my cranial nerves.

After speaking to the osteopath my tongue has been going banana's burning, tingling.

What the hell is going on, is this really ANXIETY???

I know i'm a worrier but just can't accept these are the consant symtoms of anxiety.



19-04-05, 10:32
Hiya Tucker

It does sound like this is anxiety.

Anxiety appears in so many different forms, that even when we try not to be anxious and think we're not , our mind somtimes wants to be!

The tests will be to rule out anything else,as if youve had an appointment its there duty to just follow it thru with tests to rule everything out, but the tingly burnin etc definatly sounds like anxiety.

I think there is a post under 'symptoms' about pns and needels etc...maybe worth having a read.

Pins and Needles & Tingling (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1982)

Tatty B xx

19-04-05, 10:50
Thanks Tattybear for your reply.

I must have read every post on this site and i just can't convince myself this is Anxiety.

I do try but seem to always end up back at square one.


19-04-05, 10:54
I know exactly how you feel.

No matter how many times I tel myself its 'Just Anxiety' I cant help thinking that its somthing al lot worse and that theres somthing really wrong with me..........Its a case of trying to focus my thoughts on somthing else to take my mind off how i am feeling.

I know its hard....I have a doctors appointment today not until after 3, and already I am feeling very dizzy, fast heart beat etc etc, so I know its not easy to take your mind off it.

Everyones symptoms are different, I dont really tend to get the pins and needles, so Im not sure how badly you suffer with it.

Take care and try to reassure yourself this is only down to anxiety.

Tatty B xx