View Full Version : Prickling Face and being so sad

19-06-08, 09:55
When i feel panicky (which i do today - 4th bad day in a row), i get a prickling hot face, it really scares me as i know thai means a real big panic attack is coming on cos i dont get it otherwise. Ive had it today for the first time in weeks, and just want to cry, im finding this phase of my 'so called recovery' so hard, as i thought for the past few weeks ive been doing so well. Everythings so tough again, im so sad.....:weep:

19-06-08, 10:57
awww hun

:hugs: im sorry u going through a tough time at moment.

Like u tell me, its all part of the recovery and you will get through this.

This is my 4th bad day today to so i do no how you feel.

love mandie x

19-06-08, 13:15
Hugs Mand xxxx