View Full Version : sorry to ramble on....

19-06-08, 10:44
Hi al,

Im interested to know how often people experience their symptoms?

I personally feel bad pretty much all the time, which is why i am having trouble accepting my symptoms as anxiety. I like a lot anxiety sufferers have worried that their something wrong with me, a disease undetected, im just fed up with never feeling right. Ive had tests, i seen a neurologist last week - which went well and he couldn't see any problems, having an MRI just to make sure, my latest concern is my heart feeling like theres a bubble and tightness around my heart, this with like an ache going from my shoulder right down my left arm is making me worry - ive seen the doctor a few times about it, had E.C.Gs done at A&E all come back fine, but i cant help feeing something is wrong - feeling dizzy, just going up and down the stairs causes my heart to race, chest pain etcs...

im sorry to ramble on, but this whole thing is driving me crazy - this is dominating m life so much im forgetting to life....

thanks for your time.

19-06-08, 10:54

I got no advice for u, but just to say your not alone.

I am convinced my anxiety is more serious.

I feel so bad everyday, and i feel constantly on edge.

Like u i feel like im not living my life.

Are u having any councelling?

love mandie x

19-06-08, 19:55
thanks for the reply Mandie,

in the past i have seen a councilor at my surgery and i do attend a "share" group - to be honest i have found it little help at the moment as i have so much trouble consentrating and my brain just feels scattered, just a bit of a mess really....

19-06-08, 20:22
Hi your story is like so many of us on here, we subject ourselves to tests and scans and we never feel reassured. We are more willing to take stuff we read via google to heart rather than what the specialists tell us.

But they are specialists for a reason - I've seen loads of different GPs and a private neuro (couldn't bear to wait on NHS list) and they've all told me I don't have anything neurological going on, that its anxiety. This type of news is hard to accept - believe me, I don't want anything progressive - in fact I am so scared of it and it terrifies me to think it but somehow that makes me think it even more and leads me to believe that the doctors have got it wrong. I can't seem to stop myself. Its a horrible, destructive compulsion and its ruining my life.

But the thing is the only person who can put an end to it is me. No amount of kind words and reassurance and doctors appointments will put this to rest for me. I need to do it myself.

So here is my suggested manifesto for getting well. I'm going to try it and I hope you will too. Firstly, we stop googling. Period. Then we start believing what the professionals tell us. The we start doing all the things that we want to do, that we enjoy doing, that we've maybe stopped doing since this damn health anxiety hit us so hard. And lastly, when we get a horrible anxiety symptom, we stick two fingers up to it and tell it to bog off.

19-06-08, 20:25

I have attended a shared group and like yourself i have found it little help.

I no exactly how u feel.

mandie x

19-06-08, 21:25

I have just started CBT, hopefully it will help.

I agree life with anxiety is just an existence and such a lot of time wasted on worrying. Thing is how do we stop!!

Emma xx

19-06-08, 22:02
njay all of what you have described i think can be caused by anxiety so the more you fight not to feel like that the more you will.

you should distract your mind and try your best to focus on other things

20-06-08, 06:33
I don't suffer from health anxiety or anxiety in general, I am a laid back extrovert who gets on with 99% of the public and has lots of friends.

What sets me off is when one of my cats are poorly. The last time was a few months ago when my oldest was not well and I had to take him to the vets twice in one week.

I remember bringing him home from the vets and him starting to drink a lot of water from one of his bowls. I stood there watching him and I could feel my insides drain away on to the carpet. I had a tight feeling in my chest and I felt sick.

I pulled myself together by slapping my face and saying "Don't be so stupid woman its a very hot day no wonder he is thirsty."

Fortunately that was the case, because my son reminded me that he had had a kidney function blood test at the vets earlier on in the week and it was fine.:ohmy:

21-06-08, 15:18
I just haven't met anyone who suffers from this pretty much all the time, i just feel weird most of the time -my body like i havent slept in weeks and so tired, weak and dizzy - im so, so sick of it...

Big thanks to everyone who has taken the time and trouble to read and respond to my post, i hate this "anxiety" but sufferers i come across are always so helpful and try so hard to help each other, it is fantastic..

21-06-08, 16:17
hi njay

i can relate completely mate, i too have this feeling the majority of the time, its not so much that i suffer from panic attacks because they are rare, i just almost constantly have this weak feeling and theres always something in my head making me feel bad.

never a day goes by when i dont have something to complain about

21-06-08, 18:10
My own personal experience of suffering from heightened anxiety is that it is pretty much constant. The only reprieve is usually sleep. Can't sleep 24/7 though lol It's physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. During bad times it was a war just to get through a day.It can change though...possibly with the right medication, support counselling, self acceptance and the desire to change and gather some control over your thought patterns.
Take care

Pooh x

21-06-08, 21:04
hi njay,

i feel bad most of the time too, if my symptoms are not playing me up very much then i just feel generally unwell, the best way i can describe it is like being hung-over!

other than that i have panic/anxiety symptoms hundreds of times a day, iv had practically all the tests going and i'm apparently normal!

Its just 'anxiety', and like you i am sick sick sick of it, but life goes on, hehehe

love and hugs
cassi xxx

21-06-08, 22:19
i know just how u feel. ive been suffering 4 the last 6 yrs, but only lately ive been thinking i hav something wrong wi me. i constantly hav headache and feel dizzy etc i think its normal

kt xxx
23-06-08, 20:51
I just haven't met anyone who suffers from this pretty much all the time, i just feel weird most of the time -my body like i havent slept in weeks and so tired, weak and dizzy - im so, so sick of it...

Big thanks to everyone who has taken the time and trouble to read and respond to my post, i hate this "anxiety" but sufferers i come across are always so helpful and try so hard to help each other, it is fantastic..

Hey, im pleased i have just read your post..i feel like this everyday aswel its really bad..i feel so dizzy everyday and tired like im just getting worse everyday and cant get on with things because i always have something to complain about like my constant ache in the left side of my chest and in my rib cage. its so annoyn i started having panic attacks 6mnths ago but i cant believe its that because i feel so bad everyday so think its something else, reading your post has made me feel a bit better knowing theres someone else that feels like this every day. x

24-06-08, 12:33
Hi njay

I get that funny bubble feeling in my chest to. i think it's trapped wind have you tried any indigestion meds?
I have HA, it's bloody awful i have one or two of these symptoms most days ...... dizzy, have funny feelings in my arms like the muscles have been stretched (does anyone else get this) breathlessness - like feeling i can't get enough air into my body! nausea, odd pains anywhere on my body out of the blue! And a big wave and full blown panic attacks - sometimes.
I have started CBT, got my second session on Friday - I so hope it helps as i am so drained and fed up with not being able to get on and enjoy life which we all no is to short.


24-06-08, 13:06
njay all of what you have described i think can be caused by anxiety so the more you fight not to feel like that the more you will.

you should distract your mind and try your best to focus on other things

I believe that this is actually the wrong way round. When we get the physical sensations of anxiety it can often be the mind way of forcing us to move our focus from the mind to the body. There are various reasons why this could be happening. Once we start to fixate on the physical, we lose sight of the bigger picture and forget that our mind is involved in this process as well. I suggest you actually look into your mind and maybe even address some issues that may have been troubling, you may not even be aware there are any until you take the time to have a good think about it....once we move from the physical we often find that the mind then realises that the game is up and the physical sensations will often then abate.

24-06-08, 17:14

I am anxious 24/7 and I am drained from it all - I promise you are not alone!

24-06-08, 19:47
I'm very grateful to everyone who have posted all the replies, it really helps, i think my friends and doctors are sick of hearing me go on about how bad and ill i feel and if one more person says "its all in my head" im gonna scream!!...