View Full Version : Fear of falling over

19-06-08, 11:17
I know this is going to sound bizarre but in the last couple of months, I have developed an insane fear of falling over. More precisely slipping over when it rains.

It all stems from slipping over three times in a row going through the foyer of the office building I work in. It was really embarrassing (espcially because I am a big girl) and everyone could see me do it.

Now, I have this incredible worry that I am going to slip over everytime it rains. It really does scare me. I walk so tenatively and make sure that if I do slip over I am walking near something so that I can get a little help getting back up again. Stresses me so much that the other day I was walking to the car after work and I didn't even skid (just felt like it) and I thought I was going to pass out and puke all at the same time.

Does anyone else have this fear?

19-06-08, 15:20
Hey Lizzie
I alaways think im going to trip over, which i have done many times lol, i always try to laugh it off, but for your slipping make sure you have a good rubber sole on the bottom of your shoes, some shoes are like glass underneath
hope this bit of info helps