View Full Version : Soooooo anxious-again!!! Any advice MUCH appreciated

19-06-08, 11:26
Hi all,

Just need abit of advice really. Im supposed to be going to a concert tomorrow (friday) night and because of anx/agoraphobia etc im soooo scared i'll panic and faint or just freak out.

It makes it worse because my friends bought me the tickets as a late bday prezzie so i'll feel so guilty if i cant do it as its such a nice gesture. Iv also known about the tickets since february so have had all this time to worry about it.

Ive asked the M.E.N. arena if they can swap tickets for an aisle seat so it'll b easier if i feel claustrophobic and panicky to get out but they said iv go to go to customer services before the concert to see if theres any available but it doesnt look likely.
The seats are also on the upper tier which is soooo steap and scary anyway but Im so worried that i'l be stuck in the middle of a row and start to panic and i wont be able to get out and i'll end up disturbing everyone. Because its so high up its really dangerous if i start to feel panicky and faint, and obviously v embarassing.

Sorry to moan on but i dont know what to do, im freaking out just thinking about going so how on earth will i be able to do it??? Its so frustrating because i should be enjoying this but the anx turns it into an ordeal. Just feel useless and stupid because two years ago id have loved this and really looked forward to it but now im just a nervous wreck :weep:

Anyway, any advice is really appreciated. Thanks all for reading xxxxxxx

19-06-08, 12:52
Hi Clair
I would contact the customer service just now and let them know how you feel because most times they are willing to allocate you somewhere else. You dont say if others are going with you but if they are then you can let them know before hand how you feel and just having them there will be a great support. At the moment you are thinking of the worst (as most of us do) and becoming worked up about it. Yet once the performance begins you will be so caught up in it they will have to stop you dancing and singing lol....

It can help just to know where the exit points are and also to remember there is always a first-aid crew there, so you will be ok. There are so many things we miss out on because of our agoraphobia but this time you will be able to cope and enjoy the whole experience. Take some rescue remedy with you and anything else that allows you to feel secure, but dont put so much stress on yourself...

Dont worry about being embarassed or people looking at you because remember 1-4 people suffer from some form of emotional issue and if you have to get up they will think you need the toilet or they will think you have a sercret stash of green buns somewhere lol

I really wish you the best and will be praying for you



19-06-08, 15:07
Hi Kev,

Thanks so much for your reply, my boyfriend is going with me and he knows how i feel.
I think i'll ring the customer services department tomorrow morning to see if theres any tickets that havent been sold on an aisle that i can swap mine for.
I just dont want to let my friends down, as i said before its such a nice gesture and i'd feel so guilty if i wasnt able to do it (which would also increase the anx lol!!)
Thanks again xxx

19-06-08, 15:22
Hi Clair,

Have you ever fainted before?? Cause it is very likely during a panic attack. I myself experience the same fear as you. But I am learning that it is all in my head. You are already setting yourself up! Just go and have a good time. The more you think about it the more likely it will happen cause you have pretty much already told yourself how you will feel. Check this web site out that I use all the time. It will explain to you the more you fear them the more they will come cause you are scared of them! Once you invite the panic in you will see that nothing will happen.

There can be a problem when seeking more panic when the prevailing fear is "passing out" especially when driving a car or in some other immediate situation. Actual fainting is a medical problem.

But remember not to confuse fainting with lightheadedness. Most panic attack sufferers experience lightheadedness or giddiness every time. Are you a hyperventilator when anxious or in a panic state? When you are breathing rapidly you are taking in too much oxygen and not enough carbon dioxide. This affects your blood acidity and it makes you lightheaded and feel faint. Also your tension affects the muscles of the neck and eyes and this can create the sensation of lightheadedness. Panic attack sufferers WORRY about fainting but rarely do. This is a common worry during the onset of panic attacks. After more experience many individuals lose the fear of fainting because it just doesn't happen. If you are a hyperventilator then try breathing into a paper bag or even into your hand to increase the carbon dioxide in your lungs. If you are worried about passing out try to make yourself faint while sitting or standing in one spot. Not possible when you WANT IT to happen!.

The human body has zillions of processes going on all at once. Occasionally "something" can go amiss such as rapid drop in blood pressure from standing up too quickly. But the human body is also a repair and maintenance facility. The body knows how to survive. It will always try to correct itself. You can have faith in your own body. Your fainting episode many times is only temporary. There is nothing wrong with you!

Some people who actually faint or nearly faint have a low blood pressure condition. But once the fear kicks in, the blood pressure rises and the feeling decreases. Some others have had a temporary medical condition such as a viral infection, allergy, vertigo from an inner ear disorder, anemia, sinusitis, heat exhaustion, poor eating habits, low blood sugar, salt depletion, etc. that may result in the feeling of, or actual passing out. This usually goes away over time despite the fear of it.

What to do if you have actually fainted during a panic attack? Visiting a medical professional is the first thing. But our medical professionals don't always have the time or energy to be medical detectives. If there is no obvious physical problem then they may prescribe anti anxiety medications - which may be a solution for some but a problem for others. Keep trying! Seek out information about those medical professionals that are more innovative and detailed in their work. Don't accept a pat answer of "anxiety" always. You need to be convinced that the medical profession has done all it can for you.

Another good option is Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). This therapy takes you through the steps of desensitizing your reactions and giving you back control. Many times a combination of meds and CBT can solve this fear of fainting (when there has been actual fainting) in panic disorder.

But remember, ACTUAL FAINTING is rare in panic attacks. When this feeling arises the natural tendency is to tense up and want to run out of the room or whatever. The opposite works much better. Relax and let the feeling come all over you. Go with it rather than fight it! Let yourself faint if that's what you fear. Try not to overreact and blow it out of proportion. A relaxed body won't faint!

Check out this web site it has been a blessing to me!!


Hope that this will help you in some way or another as I know what you are going through!


19-06-08, 15:36
Thanks Kag,
Ive just been on that website it looks good, i'll have a proper look later.

I have fainted a few times before but this was before the anxiety. My first big panic attack came because i suddenly felt the overwealming feeling that i was going to faint (i didnt but nearly did) and it really freaked me out. I know that it can be unlikely but the fear of panicking and sort of forgetting how to breathe is the major issue. I worry that i'll start to panic and have reall difficulty in breathing which will cause me to faint.
Many thanks for your reply its really appreciated

19-06-08, 15:50
Hi - I went to my first concern at christmas since my panic attacks began years ago. Hubby spent a lot of money and it was in the top floor of a huge theatre- I was terrified - I kept using my rescue remedy in the dark in the theatre which helped and every time I felt scared I just immersed myself in the music,shut my eyes and thought to myself I REALLY WANT TO BE HERE - I REALLYW ANT TO EXPERIENCE THIS CONCERT - and evenyually I coped with 3 hours!"" My worse fear is the heat of how stuffy these places get but take a bottle of cold water and try shutting your eyes if all else fails.
Wenjoy xxx

19-06-08, 17:01
thanks wenjoy,

im deffinately going to try and i keep telling myself that its only a concert, if i dont make it its not the end of the world