View Full Version : just a update

19-04-05, 13:41
Hi all

Hi ya just thought i would let you know how i'm getting on. Well the self harming i think i maybe getting there with it all now as i haven't harmed myself since last time i posted on here :D so i'm feeling really good at the moment.

Everything is going fine between me and the new fella aprt from at the weekend my ex partner was out with her new partner and they both beat the livin poo out of me i couldn't believe it, You should see me i look a state! [B)]

On a brighter note i did something amazing last week i joined the ARMY [Wow!] yeah i know all my mates are saying that i wont last in the army but i have to admit that i have wanted to go into the army since i was 16yrs and now i am, i just need to pass the medical and get the green light from my doctor and pass the medical of course then thats it i'll pack my bags and go! I can't wait :D

I'm going to view a house on friday so wish me luck that i will get it!

Thank You for the help you have given me as i thought i was the only one who felt like this.

Love Kitty [:X]

19-04-05, 13:45
Hi Kitty

Well done you for not self harming, you have done really great there. Pleased it is going well with your new man and that is disgusting what your ex and partner did to you, that is well out of order.

Well done you for joining the army, hope it goes through and you get there.

You have made some great decisions and seem to be really in control, well done, be proud of yourself.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

19-04-05, 13:57
Hi Kitty,
You sound so positive, it's great, you have done so well, i also think the problems with your ex, are disgusting, well rid....
As for the army wow! how great is that? Good luck with your new partner and may you succeed in all that you do.

19-04-05, 15:31
Hi kitty,

Good to hear you are so positive and i hope the army works out for you well done for making the change, good luck with it

As for your Ex and his partner, you are well rid if that is what he is capable of,

anyway good lock and best wishes for the future

kairen x

19-04-05, 19:49
Nice one!! Good luck in the army - I couldn't cope with the early mornings lol.

Sorry about the ex - how dare they eh?

Pleased you are doing so well.


19-04-05, 22:34
Well done on resisting self harming Kitty. I know how difficult that can be,

Good luck in the army.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

19-04-05, 22:46
Well done honey keep it going.

Talking of Army my son is in the process of joining.

You may meet up one of these days!!! lol

Take care

with good wishes
