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milly jones
19-06-08, 16:02
please could somebody let me know by post or pm what state do u have to get in to be admitted voluntarily or otherwise to hospital?

i am working really hard at my counselling etc and attending all appointments, taking my meds etc.

the one thing that worries me that when i was last ill i did things to punish myself because of the way i was thinking about my self. i never admitted to this till after i was well again to the gp.

now im ill again and want to release all my emotions and feelings to the hospital psychologist. however im frightened to tell them all my feelings in case they consider me to be too ill to be at home.

i really dont want to go to hospital. it would cripple my family esp my son.

i understand this is a painful subject and dont wish to upset anyone so ill understand if i get no replies.

its just that the thread the other day 'what are u most afraid of', well for me this is truely it at the moment

thanks in anticipation

milly xxx :blush:

19-06-08, 17:52
You will need to be assessed by your local mental health team as to whether you are a danger to yourself or others. Then, subject to available beds you will go through the admission process. Believe me. I went through it recently and chose not to go in.

19-06-08, 17:53
I doubt by the sounds of things that you will be forced to go in anyway. :hugs: :hugs:

milly jones
19-06-08, 18:01
thanks for all the pms and replies

im so grateful

milly xx

19-06-08, 18:03
hiya milly x

i am sure it is a better idea to tell them your not good and make then understand how your feeling then to let it all get to much ,they are there to help you and i am sure they wont take you in at all i think they will work with you and help you rather then admit you hun.


jodie xxxx

19-06-08, 18:05
hiya girlfriend i keep bumping into you hehe dont worry they wont do anything like that hun, but hopefully they will refer you to someone who can help with how u r feeling, pm me anytime milly.

Kaz you know im always here if u need me and welldone for being back posting on here and email me anytime

19-06-08, 21:08
please could somebody let me know by post or pm what state do u have to get in to be admitted voluntarily or otherwise to hospital?.......

Are you referring to being sectioned under the Mental Health Act Milly?

Two years ago we had to get the medical professionals to section my youngest sister. The most awful experience I've ever been through. I was torn in two knowing it was the only way she could get the help she needed but also knowing I was responsible for putting her in a Mental Health Unit.
Anyway she is now tons better and doesn't resent me for having a hand in it.

Seeing what she was like then and reading your postings - I'd say there's a world of difference between your state of mind and hers. I don't think you have anything to worry about regarding being sectioned. And if they want you to go in voluntarily then it will be your chose whether to go or not.

I'm with Jodie in that I feel it would be better to be honest with them. My sister wasn't even being treated by her own GP . Where as you're doing everything possible to help yourself get well again.

Please don't worry Milly and special hugs to you :hugs:

19-06-08, 21:15
Oh Milly. I'm Sorry.

I agree with Cardmaker and Jodie.

You are to sound to be admitted and like they say, if you are honest with them and explain you may get the right treatment for you.

If you are suicidal or a threat to others, they may think towards sectioning you. Although, I feel you will be ok.

Its best to be honest, than bottle things up, as it will only get worse that way.

My all means PM me if you want to talk more

Emma xxx :-)

19-06-08, 21:18
hi milly babe, i think its really important that u unload your feelings and emotions cos if u keep them inside they will end up making u angry, frustrated and u will feel like your head will explode. when i started cbt i had so much of this in my head that i needed to get out and i have now and im so pleased. wot ever it is i promise they wont take u away. all u want to do is talk and for them to listen then advise. tell the pychologist and also tell them why u were afraid to tell them it will be fine hun honest. i am here anytime you need to chat. stay strong hugs xxx

20-06-08, 01:31
Hi Milly. I hope you find a solution and start to feel better. I enjoy reading your posts. It must be about 1:30 a.m. where you are -- so I hope you're sleeping soundly. Just know that, even in the middle of the night, that someone is thinking of you and wishing you well.

20-06-08, 09:32
Darlin Milly, sweetheart!
You are always there for me and remember im always here for you.
From knowing you like i do they wont force you into hospital, they only do that to people who un-sound of mind and you arent! You are coherant and know you have problems, and are trying your best in lots of ways to deal with them. You must be honest though it is the ONLY WAY TO GET BETTER!!! I was petrified if i was completely honest with my psychiatrist they would section me but they didnt, in fact far from it! Please for me be honest, you are such a great caring loving person and you deserve to be happy again and the way to be that is move forward. You can discuss your anx about being made to go into hospital when your with doctor, it wil be a mutual decision.
PM me, text me, msn me ANYTIME hunny.
Huge hugs Charlie x x x x x x x

20-06-08, 09:37
:) dear milly, this concern you have is one that is prevalent inppl who are suffring chronic anxiety - if you were going to be admitted to hospital you would have been! just the fact that you can see your son cant be without you is enough for you to know you dont need to go to hospital, you jus tneed to find ways of dealing with your thoughts and physical sensations. tell your psychologist everything you feel and ask for cbt as soon as they can get it for you. if you have come this far feeling how you do, then you are stronger than you think but you need guidlines on how to ge tbetter not just waffling about how you feel - you need to have proper strategies and coping techniques to get you over this very bad period. tc, emma :)

milly jones
20-06-08, 14:21
thank you all so much my nmp friends

thank you for ur honesty and openess

i promise i will keep confidential the things ppl have shared with me

i just wanted to be perpared if it was a posibility this time.

i wanted to prepare my family

i guess because i am coherant and wanting to do this im not sick enough to need hospital

but u know how ur judgements just go haywire and u cant feel rational

thats why i knew i could trust my nmp friends to help

thank you again

mills xxx

20-06-08, 14:25
Hi Milly - doesn't sound like you need to be admitted, more you need to talk about your feelings and get the care / treatment you need as an out patient at home.

As posted presviously you have to be considered at immediate risk or a danger to yourself or others to be considered for hospitalisation. Even then I'm pretty sure it cannot be carried out without either

a : your consent or
b : the consent of a 2 people, including a GP or case worker who knows you and a second doctor, or a family member

Worth checking though, as my recollection isn't always 100%.

Even if you are admitted, there is an initial evaluation period from 24 - 72 hours, at which point they may decide you could leave anyway for treatment at home.

Two things I would say as they haven't been pointed out previously, and this is for info, not trying to upset anyone :

1 If you admit yourself voluntarily it doesn't mean you can leave whenever you want to. I was offered voluntary residential detox for alcohol, but once I read what I had to sign I decided against it. I wouldn't have been allowed to leave until they said I could. They assured me they very rarely keep people against their wishes, but it would require me to be discharged to leave. So with my anxiety being what it is I said "no" to the impending feeling of being trapped.

2 Drinking as much as I did I could be considered an alcoholic. As such I had the opportunity to register as an alcoholic, whereby the nice people at the benefits agency give you extra money each week to drink (thats enabling negative behaviour if ever I heard it). However if I did register social services would have been informed. I'm a good dad (my daughters now 6 and at the top of year one in all her subjects), and when I was drinking I never drank in front of my daughter, nor did she ever see me intoxicated. The last thing I wanted was someone from social services shoving their nose in where it wasn't needed. I believe the same applies for hospitalisation (please feel free to correct me anyone if that isn't the case).

Anyway - you sound a long way from requiring hospitalisation. A friend of mine was sectioned, but he was intentionally trying to harm himself. He jumped out of his bedroom window 3 times telling me he was trying to break his leg. Strange I know, but true. He did need help, and it didn't suprise me that his parents spoke to his GP and he was sectioned two days later. He's now absolutely fine now BTW as he spent 2 months as an in patient, and that was 8 years ago.

Talk to your GP - mines always been there for me and non judgmental. He's been a great help as have the understanding people at SBS, SMS and ADS - all of which I have attended and spoken to.
