View Full Version : doc app in an hour..shaking

miss diagnosis
19-06-08, 16:04

Ive suffered from a bad back for the last 10 years after i had two slipped discs removed at age 18,however this time im convinved its not just my arthritis acting up. im going to see the doc this afternoon and im terrified they are going to tell me i have spinal cancer or some sort of tumor that is pressing into my back and making it hurt.

please help,im so freaked i dont even think i can go

milly jones
19-06-08, 16:07
hun it will be ok, just be honest with the gp and hell be able to reassure u hun.

can u take someone with u for support?

i was at the gp this morning and texted all my nmp friends whilst waiting, this really helps me whilst waiting.

if u dont go to the gp the worry will not go away. if u do go u may get this worry sorted and it out of ur head by teatime.

hope all goes well

milly xxxxxx

ps let us know how it goes x

19-06-08, 16:28
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck is probably a duck.

You have a duck its called Slipped Discs :)

BTW Cancer doens't tend to cause pain till its grown a bit and you would have noticed other symptoms by then.

miss diagnosis
19-06-08, 19:34
yeah she just gave me some codine,some anti infllamitary gel and a note for a physiotherapist.

however i had myself in such a state that my blood pressure went sky high
and she refused to let me leave till it went down.which made it worse.

20-06-08, 08:25
yeah she just gave me some codine,some anti infllamitary gel and a note for a physiotherapist.

however i had myself in such a state that my blood pressure went sky high
and she refused to let me leave till it went down.which made it worse.

Hi there. I dont know the history of your back problem but have you got a good physio/Osteopath? They are worth their weight in gold if you've got a good one. Your GP can only really prescribe pain relief but the osteopath can really work the affected area. I had years of back pain on/off and visited many physios then found a wonderful osteopath with magic hands and has really helped me.