View Full Version : Nausea

19-04-05, 14:37
Do any of you experience feelings of nausea when you're anxious or having a PA? It's one I'm currently feeling and I'm not sure if its a anxiety symptom

19-04-05, 14:42
Definitely! That's one of my main ones and I think you'll find a lot of other people's too. As soon as my heart rate increases I start to feel my stomach generate acid and I start to feel really icky.



19-04-05, 14:44
How do you cope with the increased acid? Any home remedies or over the counter medication?

19-04-05, 14:47
I usually take a couple of antacids to calm my stomach which usually seems to help it.

19-04-05, 15:14
Tonic water..

As soon as you get a bit ancy get the extra gas produced by the chemical reactions in your nervous tummy out.

A few swigs of tonic can induce burps to rid yourlsef of those bubbles just ingested and those gently being fermented inside.
Tonic is more gassy than the usual sparkling soft drinks so gets it going more easily.

This reduces nausea hugely.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

19-04-05, 15:39

I have this problem too. I took Megs advice, to swig tonic water..I use American ginger ale too. It really does work.
Also, if you have problems with eating, try Megs fruit and nut mix. I bought some and its delicious. I have some in the mornings when I cant face anything else.

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

19-04-05, 18:26
hi, I get the feeling sick mainly when i wake in the morning, but its not acid with me its a lower nausea feeling. Pepermint capsuls help me

19-04-05, 21:54

I feel like that too and thanks for that Meg i will try tonic water as i cant live on gaviscon for ever.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

20-04-05, 12:45

What are peppermint capsules? I get the queasiness in the morning as well. Could I just take some peppermint candies?

17-08-05, 18:54
~wow.i never knew SO MANY people felt the same way i did.i feel most nausea at night.but it comes a lot of the day...just look at my name!!thankx for the tips everybody!!~

17-08-05, 19:45
Try them out and let us know how you do

nervous (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3347) Nausea (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3355)
stomach problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3369)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

19-08-05, 17:39
I Also eat SKITTLES candies and they seem 2 help me be more relaxed causing me 2 be less nausea [8)] ....

24-02-08, 15:27

I get a lot of nausea and I find ginger taken in hot water (use bags by Twinings) are very good

24-02-08, 19:47
Hi there ginger beer is very good to stop nausea. I know this sounds daft but "Hoola Hoops" has always helped me for asd long as i can remember
(only ready salted though) yeah honest
Richie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx