View Full Version : Palps, Chest Pains and Sharp Pains in Fingertips?? Anx or should i worry?

19-06-08, 18:21
Hi again all,

I have posted before but i have been getting new symptoms lately - i get palps quite often - most days but not hundreds or even dozens - however i am really aware of my heart beating and am forever checking my pulse as i worry its too fast - my resting pulse is around 82bpm - is this the norm or is that fast? Also - lately i have been getting sharp pains in my chest - but they don't feel like they are "in" my chest so to speak but more like in my left breast half the time - but i feel them usually if i am worrying about stuff. Also for past week i keep getting REALLY sharp stab-like pains in my fingertips - normally in my left hand. Does anyone else get this and could it be anx related? Lastly (i promise i'm almost done venting) i just keep getting waves or dread - i will stop thinking about all my anx issues for hours/days at a time and all of a sudden for no reason at all i just get a wave of complete and utter dread over me and i get a tight chest and my heart races - it just comes out of the blue? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated - i do have a docs appointment on Monday but i am scared of pouring all this out to him and asking for tests as he may just think i am a hypochondriac! I would feel sooooo much better if i had an ECG though -i just need to hear that it's all ok in there (although i think even then i would still panic). Anyway your thoughts would be so lovely.

(ps just for some background i am a 21 yr old female)



19-06-08, 20:09
It would be rare for a 21 year old with no other outstanding health problems to be suffering from a major heart problem but if you stress your concern tell the doctor how long you have been suffering, the various symptoms, he/she might refer you to a heart specialist for inspection.

The doctor will listen to your heart beat, take your blood pressure, your pulse rate and might ask that you give blood . . . If you check out OK then nothing more will be done, unless you are insistant and have a family history of heart troubles.

I have suffered the symptoms you describe and I consider myself to be rather healthy, so I would assume it is to do with anxiety, these symptoms are classic.

Stay cool.