View Full Version : Palpitations when eating

19-06-08, 18:22
Hey everyone,

I'm just worried, am 26, and it'S already did this in the past, and now it can last for weeks or I don't know, but seems every time I eat, I get palpitations after, my heart beats on average between 100 and 130, and it can last for hours after I've eaten. Anybody has this? Or anybody who knows about thuis? I also feel more pressure in my cheeks when this happens sometimes, these weeks often. My cheeks become reddish and hot.

But right now it'S the racing heart that worries me. It often goes fast, but it gets worse when I eat. Sometimes it's even okay till I eat.

21-06-08, 17:09
First 130 isn't fast. Most people have to get their pulse to that when exercising to gain any benefit.

Second I reckon that palps and ectopics are stomach related. If I have wind, or haven't eaten I get ectopics. Also after rich food I get palps.

Hope this helps, well it won't because palps aren't nice, but at least it may stop you think there's somethign bad wrong.


21-06-08, 17:22

i think what inchy has sead is right i am just the same i get them after food or when i have not had any food for a few hours .
i had them bad last night but then i had tea very later ,i am sure like all of us they scare you and they are not nice to have but i do think the more you think about them the more ectopics you get this is the case with me today i have done realy well the last few months but after last night they seen to have be in a bit of a panic agane so i am trying my best not to think to much xx

jodie xxx

21-06-08, 19:34
First 130 isn't fast. Most people have to get their pulse to that when exercising to gain any benefit.

Second I reckon that palps and ectopics are stomach related. If I have wind, or haven't eaten I get ectopics. Also after rich food I get palps.

Hope this helps, well it won't because palps aren't nice, but at least it may stop you think there's somethign bad wrong.



i think what inchy has sead is right i am just the same i get them after food or when i have not had any food for a few hours .
i had them bad last night but then i had tea very later ,i am sure like all of us they scare you and they are not nice to have but i do think the more you think about them the more ectopics you get this is the case with me today i have done realy well the last few months but after last night they seen to have be in a bit of a panic agane so i am trying my best not to think to much xx

jodie xxx

I thought it was rather fast since it stayed at that rate (at rest) almost every time I eat, well once it's digested. Cuz yeh under panic attacks my heart can sometimes go at almost 200 bmp, only it beats between 120-130 after meals and when I eat more or more heavy my pulse seems harder.
Anyways, I might be worrying for nothing... happens alot. Thanks for your responses, reassures me a bit.

21-06-08, 20:11
i often get palpatations after eating, especially fatty meals or chocolate. i'm aware of the palps but not worried

21-06-08, 21:15
i often get palpatations after eating, especially fatty meals or chocolate. i'm aware of the palps but not worried

Do they last hours sometimes? Thanks by the way.

22-06-08, 01:56
Yes I get these . . . especially if I overeat, but mostly depending on *what* I eat.

Digestion is one of the most energy-demanding tasks that the human body performs. The heart must send blood to the stomach, and heart rate will increase.

Mine usually kicks in between 30 to 60 minutes after finishing my meal, and lasts for perhaps another hour or two. Then everything is back to normal again.

I've heard someone mention the "vagas nerve" as being sometimes responsible for increased heart rate during digestion (more than "normal" increase, that is).

Either way, it may not be normal for someone else, but it's normal for me, and it appears to be normal for you. It CAN be uncomfortable for us at times to know that heart rate is up.

Just don't ADD to it by becoming anxious about it. That will simply make the heart go even faster.

22-06-08, 05:54
Yes I get these . . . especially if I overeat, but mostly depending on *what* I eat.

Digestion is one of the most energy-demanding tasks that the human body performs. The heart must send blood to the stomach, and heart rate will increase.

Mine usually kicks in between 30 to 60 minutes after finishing my meal, and lasts for perhaps another hour or two. Then everything is back to normal again.

I've heard someone mention the "vagas nerve" as being sometimes responsible for increased heart rate during digestion (more than "normal" increase, that is).

Either way, it may not be normal for someone else, but it's normal for me, and it appears to be normal for you. It CAN be uncomfortable for us at times to know that heart rate is up.

Just don't ADD to it by becoming anxious about it. That will simply make the heart go even faster.

Thanks for the explanation and all :)

30-11-08, 14:39
Yeah I've learned this one the hard way.

Every time I overeat my heart rate goes up and can stay there for hours, especially if I get reflux and heart burn. Especially if I eat fatty, rich foods or too much cheese (my huge weakness).

It is right, it's perfectly normal for the heart rate ti increase during digestion which can take hours if the meal was complex and difficult to break down.

It is just so hard to remember the logic when you're irrationally freaking out about your heart rate!

01-12-08, 00:12
It is just so hard to remember the logic when you're irrationally freaking out about your heart rate!

Exactly! Everything seems to lose logic in those cases.

Anyhow, having forgotten this thread, I went to the ER this summer cuz my heart went up at 236 bpm, I had actually counted 186 or so but anyways. Thing that happens is my vagus nerve and/or sinus node in my heart is too sensitive and it makes it jump more than normal, even with small portions of food. I started taking Beta Blockers since, and it's much better. Actually, I'm often scared now cuz my heart beat can drop below 50, like 44 once, althgough it normally hangs in between 60 and 100 on average and mostly 60 now. Anyways, these beta blockers are supposed to stabalize that part of the heart which often would trigger palpitaions.

Thanks for your reply though, it's always reassuring, also considering the fact I may not want to be on these pills for life cuz some side-effects which come and go really suck, although I'm not sure if I can absolutely relate them to the pills.