View Full Version : Osteo arthritus

19-06-08, 19:53
Hi not really sure how to spell this, well my mum has just been told she has this and is convinced she will be in a wheel chair within the next 3 years. Does anyone know anything about this and what it can do to you.

19-06-08, 20:43
hi scooby my nan suffered from this for over 30yrs and was died 3 yrs ago of cancer but was never in a wheel chair so tell her not to worry. she had it in her spine and back, legs etc. she did suffer and have lots of pain but had good meds and creams etc and also she was a big lady and i definately think if she had lost weight it would have helped her as its proven if u need to lose weight you can more or less rid yourself of it with exercise and good health.
codliver oil is great in the capsules for the bones and joints and also my nan had acupunture on her back and swore by it. i hope some of this helps, pm me anytime hugs xx

miss diagnosis
19-06-08, 22:46

i have this! weird u posted this today cos i have jst been at the doctor
I have this ten years and im only 28! there is no cure for it but im not in a wheel chair. about once or twice a year it gets bad. usually when the weather changes. heat is the best thing so tell ur mum to invest in an electric blanket.but its generally fine and very managable. im rarely in a lot of pain and when i am I just deal with it. Swimming is very good and when im having a bad day i usually go for a swim.

hope this helps

20-06-08, 19:27
Last year she had a bad foot for about 9 weeks then it just got better, then again this year almost a year later the same thing happened for about 7 weeks this time.
She is very thin for 56 and a size 8 to 10 and very fit really she is a post woman.
This is why she is worried so much cos she thinks she won't be able to do her job anymore.
thanks everyone