View Full Version : Post Concussion Syndrome / Traumatic Stress

19-06-08, 20:22
Anyone ever suffered PCS?

I have been told I have this condition.

Hit my head on the corner of a door. It's as if I've had a headache for 50 days constant. All kinds of discomforts . . . feelings of pressure in the head and face at time that makes you want to step out your body for a break. My ears feel clogged and full of liquid, they click/make noise whenever I swollow - more so than normal.

It's not nice . . .

I've had a CT scan just over 4 weeks after the accident, (date of the accident April 12/13), which was fine. I also had a MRI just over a week ago which was fine.

I worry that my skull is fractured at the point of impact, I feel an narrow indent that the corner of a door might make . . . but numerous doctors assure me it is normal to feel these indents on the head . . . I agreed but the fact it was in that area was a little suss to me . . .

Anyways, I have expressed all my concerns had two scans and my prognosis is that it'll get better in time.

They say post concussion takes 3-6 months to get better . . . sometimes earlier, sometimes later . . . I didn't fall unconscious, I was drunk when I hit my head and there was a slight raised pink lump . . . nothing 'that' outstanding.

Just wonder is anyone has experienced this? The symptoms are similar to anxiety symptoms . . . so maybe there's a chance some of you have came here cause you have experienced something similar.

Get back to me . . .


01-07-08, 22:23
Sorry no one answered you, I hate it when that happens to me! I don't know anything much about head injuries. If your scans are ok I can't imagine there's anything serious going on. I once hit my head and convinced myself I had bleeding on the brain because I developed a cracking headache afterwards. It was put down to anxiety, as they couldn't find anything wrong.
As for the clicking in your ears, do you have any jaw pain as well? I get this, it's basically a jaw strain caused by clenching too tight. It gives me clicking in my ears, and ear pain too sometimes.
Let me know how you're doing. xx

02-07-08, 00:00
hiya and sorry about your head, im sure u been checked thoroughly and all will be ok hun so please try not to worry. sending u a big hug:hugs:

05-07-08, 00:52
Thanks for the replies, appreciated. I'm getting a handle on the situation.
I broke my jaw in three places when I was 16 never had problems with it before but I guess I have been clenching and grinding out of anxiety a bit more than usual.

05-07-08, 20:55
hi williamthedude

i think i have PCS too cos i have been having problems with my memory after knocking my head- did you have something similar or is this anxiety?
how were you diagnosed can i ask

13-07-08, 23:19
Well I don't know much about this... I only read the mayo clinic website on it, which is here for anyone interested:

13-07-08, 23:44
Memory issues can come of it, yeah, I tend to have a little bit confusion with my short term memory from time to time but then that could just be anxiety and it is rather trivial, like misplacing an object etc . . .

14-07-08, 07:42
In reference to postconscussion symptoms; I have been experiencing symptoms from this condition for over 7 months. I have headaches, dizziness, confusion, memory loss, especially short term, problems doing complex things, processing information. Just lately experiencing depression, mood changes. I have had all kind of test, like MRI, CAT SCAN, been to neuropsy for testings. Take medications for pain in the next area, headaches. They say it will wear off, some 20 percent never get over it....but I am praying I am one of the one's that do get over it.

16-07-08, 11:58
I know, it is a real drag . . . it can take up to a year and sometimes more to wear off but I hope for our sakes it tappers off sooner than later.

01-08-08, 22:56
hi there my husband has suffered from this for over a year now i do hope you all recover soon ali

23-08-08, 17:25
I have to be honest, i have never heard of this before, it most be frightening and a huge discomfort. I hope you feel better soon and fully recover.


26-09-08, 12:12
Guys, I have experienced exactly the same symptoms as you following a concussion this May. For 4 months I went to doctors, MRI scans etc et. You guessed it, all fine. But STILL didnt feel right..had panic attacks and depression because of the whole ordeal, as I'm sure many of you will understand. Before I was never moody, absolutely LOVED life, had dream job...hence I KNEW this concussion had done something, I wouldn't just randomly start severly panicing over nothing! So as an extremely determined person I knew I had to find out what the hell was happening to me. Anyway you may have something wrong with your vision, which can affect lots of seemingly unrelated areas. This is quite common among concussions as the visual cortex is situated nearest to your skull. This is not like short-sightedness style - the visual system in your brain is pretty complex, and any minor damage can affect your sense of awareness. I'm not a doctor so don;t take this as gospel but I'm writing from personal experience, and now want to help others try to recognise why they feel like this! But I found a neuroopthamologist (see BABO website - British Association of Behavioural Opthamologists) and he understood my symptoms completely. I start my vision training in the next 2 weeks. Hopefully things will get better, but he said I should improve over the next year. Even if you're problem is different, do your research and don;t give up...you WILL get better!