View Full Version : Sore mouth

19-06-08, 21:34
I have a variety of oral symptoms which I'm not sure about.My mouth and tongue are almost constantly sore.I get pins and needle like sensations in my tongue and the sides and tip are very red.My inner lower lip feels fragile and also sore. Could this be anxiety related?

19-06-08, 22:11
Yea definitely. I noticed in many anxious times more cankers (probably from dry mouth) and also redness on tounge.

Cancer or the mouth is usually a sore that doesn't heal or heals and opens and heals and opens.

However, my dentist told me to look out for painless WHITE growths.

19-06-08, 23:04
I've had various symptoms over the years from anxiety and sore mouth is one of them or burning mouth syndrome as a consultant told me. I had all the checks for stomach ulcers and gastric reflux, dental checks, tried changing toothpaste and eventually it just went away to be replaced by another symptom. I did find using tea tree toothpaste from the health shop helps and drinking plenty of bottled water.

20-06-08, 19:38
This can be caused by low b12 my mouth was constantly sore for about two months before i got checked for it