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19-06-08, 23:50
Hello. Well I did on the introductions say I would tell my story a few weeks ago so appologies for being late. :blush: .
Well as I type things are fine and any issues I have are put back into the box so to speak so in a way they dont actually feel important or even serious. Im not too sure where to start so I,ll jump in somewhere along the line.
I have always beed claustrophobic but with a few situations excepted managed to keep it pretty much in check, apart from when high temperatures are involved,(high to me that is). Once I feel hot "inside",the chest area, that is when I will begin to feel on edge and things can go from there. Anyway that has been, like I say coped with for the most part. The other huge phobia/fear whatever you call it is dentists...and this is where my present situation has come from.
I could go to the dentist for check-ups and hygenist with a push through the door and a lot of sweating,but could get there. Treatment was I must say different and needed the injection thingy-me-bob but again was fine with that. Anyway an incident happened at the dentist where a small filling had fallen out but I wasnt going for that,now being registered as a nervous patient I was a bit taken back when they started to just set about re-doing it. Then the temperature thing kicks in as it was hot and then its a situation I'm not in control of and away we go. What made things worse was I was telling them I was too hot to do this but I got told its only a filling and actually two more assistants came in to hold me still. It may be wimpy and the like but that was at that time just the worst situation I could even imagine being in. Dentist,hot,held down. I just threw the hands off jumped up, to which the dentist was a little unprofessional by shouting at me and saying its only a filling(I can cope with the shouting,was just her attitude to it which makes me think that she hadn't read my notes,I missed a bit here by not saying I went private so my apprehensions could be taken into account) I went back the week after to try to have the filling done but I found I couldnt even sit in the seat.
Now in a way this is where it starts..from then,and I will try to be brief, I found I couldnt sit in a barbers chair (it was very hot that day). I cant sit in the car on a hot day in a traffic jam even for a few seconds like when waiting to turn,or any other place I cant just leave there and then(car wash etc).Particularly when hot.(air conditioning is a must in the next car it seems as when cool Im fine).
Its lead to a lot more or opened up more that was ok (plus some health worries) but dont want to go on and on..Like I say its back in a box just now and seems silly and I can laugh at it with people , but I know I need to find another dentist. Though I doubt I could now even walk into one.

sorry for the essay..Neil.

20-06-08, 01:34
Hi Neil. I don't have any of the things that you mention -- but you'll find a lot of very understanding people here that can relate, I'm sure.

20-06-08, 17:24
Hiya Neil. im a dentist fearer i bloody hate them so much but i still go, and yes my heart is racing and im sweaty and feel very faint and dizzy.
you dentist acted very unprofessional i think and getting ppl to hold you down was just out of order. i would have been up and running out that door and doing some effing and blinding on my way, i think you should find another dentist and look around for one that is good with very nervous patiants. mine is great and understand totaly how i feel, but the one befor her was not he was horrible and would tell me to pull myself to gether and not waist his time, so i left. the fear of the dentist is very commen as you will see there are loads od ppl on here who have a fear of it so you are not alone.

take care
