View Full Version : New girl

19-04-05, 19:18
A friend of mine told me about this site so I thought I'd give it a shot. Already I feel a bit better knowing I'm not alone.
I'm a 26 year old teacher who has suffered with panic attacks for 5 years. Things had been going quite well recently and I felt like I was getting somewhere (but having to work really hard at it!) About 2 weeks ago I had a really big panic attack while I was away with some friends and ended up in an ambulance and taken to hospital. I passed out and just couldn't stop shaking and crying. The whole thing has really shaken me up again and already I'm starting to dread the simplest of tasks again. I've always avoided certain situations but now there are just more of them again.
I just feel exhausted with it all. I had CBT a couple of years ago and I'm on cipramil and have been for quite a long time.
I hope this site will help x

19-04-05, 19:22
Hi J9,
I'm sorry you've had such a rough time of it - i'm really glad you found this site as i think it will help you deal with your panic.
Was the CBT a total disaster for you?
Take care,
Henri x

19-04-05, 19:24
Hi and welcome aboard the forum

Start with this page on the website which may offer you some initial help - www.nomorepanic.co.uk/firststeps.htm

I am sure we can be of use to you on here so stick around ok.

I know it is hard but try not to avoid anywhere as it soon becomes a big issue and takes even more time to conquer.

Are you able to work or get out much atall?


19-04-05, 19:26
Hi J9 this site will definitly help, there are lots of wonderful people here with lots of friendly, helpful advice.
I too work in education and have suffered for a while but had an extrememly severe panic last year.
I stopped going anywhere and doing lots of things and I now regret it because although I am feeling loads better some hurdles are still too high to jump.
I know I should have gone straight back out there and tried it but that is easier said than done.
You have made a good positive move by coming here, ive only been here a few weeks but feel its done me the world of good realising what I thought were silly little things were exactly what other people were feeling too.
Lots of good messages posted and good fun in the chat room on a night. You will be helped here trust me, take care Alexis.

19-04-05, 19:35
Thanks for your kind words.
I can go to work and that's ok because they know about it so I think that helps me because my headteacher is really very supportive. Today I had to go on a course and I worried all night but got there in the end but had to fight off the panic feelings all day and it's exhausting. It's tiring having to always think about my next move and plan for every eventuality.
I tried CBT about 3 years ago and it did help for a time but as time has gone on I feel like I'm slipping back.
I think you're right about avoiding situations becoming more difficult the more you avoid them but I've heard some positive stories so I'm really trying to remain positive :)

19-04-05, 19:40
Hi J9

Welcome to the forum I know that you will find lots of great advice and caring people on the site. I am sorry to hear that you have had a very major PA. Do you know what triggered it?? Sometimes if we can find out the cause then it helps to recover. Alot of times we dont have a clue why it happens. Try not to get stressed anticipating that another will happpen. I know that it is scary but try keeping things like rescue remedy with you. That can really help when you feel shaky. Also get a good Vit b complex to take. Try some homeopathic things these will help.

TAke care


19-04-05, 19:52
Hi Janine,

Good name! I think it was triggered by negative thoughts. I was really worried about going for the weekend but I felt like I had to push myself to go or i'd be giving in. So by the end of the weekend i'd exhausted myself trying to fight off the feelings and couldn't keep them off any longer. I do think it happens when I get tired but it'd hard not to feel tired sometimes. I will try the rescue remedy, I've heard of it but not used it before. I'll try some of the things you suggest.
Thank-you x

19-04-05, 20:14
It can be very tiring to have panic/anxiety and wipes you out sometimes. On those days just try to be kind to yourself and accept that it will go again.

Rescue remedy is very good and loads of us on here are using it so give it a try. There are loads of previous posts about it so you may want to search for them using the search facility at the top of the screen.


19-04-05, 20:15
HI J9,

Its excellent news that you recognise that it was your own negative thoughts that eventually got too much and won leading to panic. Sometimes we spend ages trying to demonstrate this to people before we can make any headway so its great you're already that far.

Here are a few old threads to keep you going

Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
More thoughts : Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
Thoughts: obsessive thoughts & anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3096)
Creeping fears : Has anyone else felt this symptom? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3080)

RR: Rescue Remedy - Help needed (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2298)
rescue remedy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2303)
More RR : Rescue Remedy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1501)

It sounds like you could do with some ongoing top up CBT sessions to get you back in a corrcet and undistorted thinking process.

The next few weeks will be hard for you after that PA, but get back out there you must.

Take it slowly and gently but be progressive and methodical and remember to reward yourself for sucesses and do write them down for reference and benchmarking


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

19-04-05, 21:31
Hi J9

Welcome to the site and pleased you dont feel so alone now. You have recognised some very important issues of anxiety and like Meg says that can take the longest for people to understand.

Your headteacher sounds very supportive which is what you need.

Hope you can progress forward from this and in time you will get through it and we are always here to help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

19-04-05, 21:59
Hi J9

Welcome to the forum.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.