View Full Version : Does it ever stop and leave forever?

20-06-08, 14:51

I am off on hols tomorrow.
I have attacks at the thought of travelling.

What do I worry about?
I worry about needing the loo urgently and there not being one
I worry about being sick on hols
I worry about my son being travel sick ( he hasn't yet but I have the travel tablets just in case!).

I KNOW I have to break the journey down into stages to make it 'do-able'. But I can't get my rational head on today. I keep crying. I am stressing cos' I am in a drifting mood and not packing. My tummy is all over the place.

I just want it to go away and let me have my life back.

You'd think I was going on a 14hr flight the way I am creating - we are going 4hrs away in the car. I am fed up of feeling so pathetic and silly.

20-06-08, 16:04
Sam,you are already on your way,Im sure by the time you get back you would have had a lovely holiday.Thinking of you.
:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

20-06-08, 16:12
Hi im jaime im new to this site as resontly ive just started a new bout of panick attacks. I just went on holiday it was a 9hr drive and i took every possible precaution before leaving, Beleive me i was terrified somthing terrible would happen so i packed an extensive medical bag plenty of food and drink warm clothes etc etc I am pleased to say I didnt need any of this for the duration of the trip but knowing i had all id need "just in case" put my mind at rest and made for a safe and plesant Holiday! I cant answer does it go away forever as so far it hasnt for me, but preparing for it has definatly helped limit my attacks as i know if somthing did happen i have the tools to deal with it!

20-06-08, 16:46
I understand what you mean completely:hugs:
its horrible, but still exciting, but the fear seems to take over when it gets close, this happened to me last year, and before it id hardly beeen out of the house..im also goin away this year, and im worried ill be the same.

My advice is to break the journey into stages, i said to myself if i get to the airport, atleast ive done that..and i can go back if i want to.
i talked to my family about my fears, as they were coming with me.
[im 17]

try to pack in plenty of time, its done then, and that bit of stress is out of the way.

i went to see my counsellor before hand, and she advised "diazepam", and its amazing. Not addictive, and you just take one before the airport, and one before you fly [im a nervous flyer..something about not being able to escape], if it wasnt for that miracle tablet, i dont think id have made it, it knocks you out a bit, almost makes you feel slightly drunk at first, but in a way, its good, because i slept through some of the flight.

you mentioned you were scared of being sick?i have a phobia of it too!

when you get there, everything will be fine, its the journey that is bothering you, and if you make the journey, youll be so happy you managed that, youll enjoy the holiday =]

my holiday last year was a bit of a 'make or break' for me, and i can honestly say, with a bit of confidence, 'grinning and bearing it', and that little tablet,
and it was the beginning of me getting better.
See it as a learning curve :) an experience, and enjoy yourself :hugs: :hugs:

sorry that was so long!:blush:

20-06-08, 17:01
Hi there i am new to this but i know exactly how you feel, but try to think in stages...

do i want to go
what do i need so that my worries are all covered....put all this in a separate bag so you have it to hand
i will be fine for an hour then we will stop and i will have a walk around....i will be fine
make a list of your clothes to take
then pack

Try to think positive...soooo hard i know....you DO want to go and you will be so incredibly proud of yourself when you get there.

You can do this...deep breaths...rescue remedy...water...off you go.

Have a lovely time...let us know how you get on.


21-06-08, 06:08
Hi Sam,

I hope that you've been feeling better in yourself since writing this post, and that you feel more relaxed.

I hope you have a lovely time on holiday and forget all your worries.

Sending love x:flowers:

21-06-08, 21:46
hi samc100 i had this problem last night i came on holiday only today it took us 3 to 4 hrs to get here 110 mile from home i was panicking of the thought of being far from home and that i felt trapped into going. i bought my diazapam and water and i didnt need them thinking of it makes it worse ive got in th car and ive got here safely with out having a panic attack and if i can do it then so can you hope this helps x