View Full Version : Fatigue And General Problems!!!!

20-04-05, 00:09
I was wondering if i started eating other things that were more healthy whether it would improve my lack of energy that i constantly suffer.
At the moment i am drinking around 10 cups of teas aday as well as quite abit of chocolate and other junk!
I am considering trying an experiement in the next few days to have no caffeine or junk food or anything, i am wondering whether this will help me abit or alot?
I go for walks everyday and take vitmain b complex and omega 3 fish oils but none of them have helped me at all and i have been on them for sometime.
I am just wondering what things i can do to calm me down and sort out my anxiety.
I have just gone up from 10mg cipralex to 20mg about 5days ago and i have been feeling very rough is that because my body is adjusting to the new dose?

Thanks for reading!

20-04-05, 12:48

I think cutting down on the tea and chocolate will be a huge help to cut down on your anxiety. I love my coffees and teas but notice that when I drink them, i'm more succeptible to anxiety and also just feel physically sick. Good luck with the diet changes!

20-04-05, 14:00

You're taking in a lot of caffiene with that lot of tea and choc.
Neither Vit B or Omegas are for energy but to support your nervous system.

Changing te diet is a great help to some people so worth the effort as an experiment.

The GI diet is best for anxiety and very healthy.

Changing your dose will have added temporary side effects .

Hypogly Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
GI: Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)

Caffiene: Having a hard time cutting out caffeine (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2728)


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20-04-05, 14:07
Firstly hi and welcome to the site.
One thing you really do drink to much tea...do you drink any water at all. If not try and have a drink of water everytime you have a cuppa.
Excorise is good as well. Keep your mind on not having any attacks.
Meg is right (as always) that the dose change will do that.
Hope the site helps you as it does with alot of people. Take care

with good wishes


20-04-05, 18:41
Definitely change the diet and get rid of the caffeine.

Try to eat small meals and often throughout the day and ensure you eat lots of fresh fruit and veg too.

You should notice a difference soon.
