View Full Version : Ive injured my CAR! :( lol

20-06-08, 16:24
hmm its a long story, basically went back to a 6th form which i hated [this wasnt my school before hand and i never settled in and got slightly picked on at times], this started of the panic attacks again, and i couldnt go out for about a year..
well, you may have heard i got my new car and passed my driving test, and i decided to go back to there..to say "up yours" sort of thing,

but they all crowded round my car, called me an idiot and kicked my wheels and tryed to ruin my wingmirrors, in a rush, upset and in a hurry to get away i reversed out, but hit the gate slightly on my way out, and then they pushed it into the side of my car :(

i couldnt stop crying..this was the day id passed my test!!
i cant believe people can be so cruel,
i dont dare to go out now incase i see anyone and they pick on me, its made me nervous of driving :weep:

20-06-08, 16:30
dont worry over mugs there are lots of nice people about
them kind of bullying people only wind up one way
go out with your head up high , dont let them win

20-06-08, 16:33
thankyou :) i will try not too :) hmm just mad theyve messed up my car ! but atleast it can be fixed =]=]

20-06-08, 16:44
Awwww big:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Bird

Reminded me of a few years ago when I was a carer......first client I went to I destroyed their brick wall reversing out of driveway:blush:

Made me well nervous of driveways and the next 2 yrs I worked there I would never park in driveways:blush:

These people sound like nasty bullies.....dont let them win:lac:

Hope car is soon fixed:wacko:

Kaz x x x:hugs:

20-06-08, 19:00
you may see some of them walking home in the rain one day
just beep your horn and laugh

20-06-08, 19:07
Some people make me so mad! Thats terrible!
I agree with London on that one, drive past and laugh! Better still, if opportunity arises, drive through a puddle and give them a good soaking!

Please don't be afraid of driving, it wasn't your bad driving that did the damage, but thugs behaving badly. They should be reported to the police for criminal damage.
I hope you get your car sorted really soon, and you get to enjoy the freedom of being able to drive :)

20-06-08, 20:11
aww thankyou guyss :):) ill splash them with my car next time i see them! LOL *hugss*

22-06-08, 11:10
In a couple of years time you'll look back and laugh - trust me on this one!

The day after I picked my beloved first car up I reversed it in to a wall - d'oh!

Made me a bit wary about driving but I love it now!

You will make more mistakes along the way though - but its part of the learning process, we've all done it at some point. Makes you more cautious and know what to do when you are in that situation again