View Full Version : Hi im jaime another newbie

20-06-08, 16:36
:scared15: Hi im jaime 29 and am dessperatly holding on at mo! Ive been suffering anxiety since i was about 16!Ive been taking large amounts of vallium frm then untill a year ago when i finally maneged to kick them then i went onto betta blockers but they scared me senseless! i'm now 29 and have been diagnosed with panic disorder since a resent spate of panic attacks i m finding real hard to control!Im not taking any drugs now as im ment to be starting a infertility course on monday (the pre ivf stuff) but am now biggining to think i should cancel! this is my last chance of becoming a mum but can i cope? am i worthy? is it fair? I DONT KNOW! :weep:

20-06-08, 17:06
hiya jaime and welcome yes u can cope hun and u got to be positive, take one day at a time. please dont cancell try to relax yourself by mayb keeping busy with something u enjoy to take your mind off stuff. you will get some great advice here so pleased dont worry hugs to u xxxx goodluck monday too. you will do just good

20-06-08, 17:09
Hiya Jamie, :welcome: to nmp itslovely to have you here :yesyes:
you will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. dont dispair hun this can be gotten under control and things can get better for you. keep posting and we will help as much as we can. hope to talk to you in chat soon.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


20-06-08, 17:18
:yesyes: hi jaime, im also a long term sufferer of anx disorders which started in my teens. to have come this far feeling like you do shows great inner strength - the thing is though until we are 'ready' and we get the right education about how to get better we continue to doubt ourselves. wha thelp have you had? btw:welcome: to nmp, emmaxxxxxxxxxxx

20-06-08, 19:02
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

20-06-08, 21:51
Hi Jaime,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


20-06-08, 22:00
beautiful name can i just say :)
hope you find every single bit of support youre looking for,
like minded people :)

milly jones
21-06-08, 10:45
hi jaime

welcome to nmp hun

keep strong and use ur friends here to support u

milly xxx

21-06-08, 11:06

And Welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

21-06-08, 11:44
Hello Jaime And Welcome .....wish Ya Well.....linda

21-06-08, 14:48
Hi Jaime, Glad you have found NMP which is a very caring and supportive place. You aren't alone here and that is really comforting I find. Welcome!!

21-06-08, 17:25
Hello Jaime. It seems to me that if you've been able to wean yourself off Valium then you should be able to apply the same positive attitude to help get you through this horrible time.I bet you're stronger than you actually think you are.

The pre-IVF stuff would be anxiety provoking for anyone but think of the possible rewards at the end of it.Sounds like you could be entering a whole new phase,frightening and exciting all at the same time. Good luck :)

21-06-08, 22:20
Hi Jaime and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. It is the person inside and not the panic that counts and I'm sure you'd make a brilliant mum. Best of luck with the treatment.

Take care,

Mike :)

22-06-08, 10:53
Hi Jaime

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

22-06-08, 16:01
Hi Jaime

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.
Hope we can be of some help.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left as well for loads of advice and tips for coping.

22-06-08, 16:22

Welcome to NMP :-)

Im sure you are very worthy of being a mother. Dont let yourself think otherwise.

Emma x

22-06-08, 19:55
Hi Jaie,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,