View Full Version : Hi Everyone

20-06-08, 16:48
I don't know if this is the right place but here goes....i am 47 and have 2 lovely children and a lovely husband. My problem is that when my husband goes away i have serious anxiety...jelly legs, brick in stomach, headaches you name it i seem to get it. He goes away tomorrow and i have been bad for about 2 weeks now, constantly crying, very shaky, no appetite,can't breathe and lots of other symptoms. Just feel that when he actually goes tomorrow i will fall to pieces and not be able to cope. Am so ashamed of myself i just want to run away cos if i run away he can't go...perfect sense. Never used to be this weak and woolly, just can't find the strength to imagine the next week without him. (he going to Orlando for work conference)

Any advice greatly appreciated.

20-06-08, 16:59
hiya booble and welcome dont feel ashames hun, lots of people feel this way and i know when my hubby goes away or out my fear is somethin bad happening to him and im costantly asking him if he ok and stuff. but i have got a lot better since having cbt. you will get lots of advice and support here and meet friends too, please dont panic keep posting on here especially when he is away and people will help u hugs xxxx

20-06-08, 17:06
Hiya Booble :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and mke some great friends along the way.
What is it you fear when your hubbie goes away? do you fear something will happen to him while he is gone. have you been to your doc about how you feel ? Dont dispair hun this can be gotten under control. While he is away this time you now have all of us to keep you company and to talk to you and help you through untill he comes home. keep posting and i hope to talk to you in the chat room soon.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


20-06-08, 17:22
:) hi booble, yes this has been one of my major concerns, although IM embarrassed to say that he has never gone that far:blush: so you arent doing as bad as you think -i get like this when mine goes anywhere over 10 miles away:blush: you are doing well, and also the anticipating it almost makes it happen, so if you can stop the thoughts with other stuff and try and relax and tell yourself you wont go to pieces then you will start to feel better - i dont wan to make light of this for you becaus ei know you will be feeling really bad, but we can 'choose' to feel better, it just takes alot of hard work - you have it in you to stop feeling the way you do by changing the way you think, try very very hard to be positive and you will soon start to feel better - failing that you now have the support of nmp until your husband returns:winks: :yesyes: emma xxxxxxx

milly jones
20-06-08, 17:47
hiya hun

know where ur coming from

my hb is away this weekend and im not only anx but depressed too

its horrid for a weekend, so dont know how it would feel for longer.

well i hope nmp can help u as much as it does me


milly xxxx :blush:

20-06-08, 19:01
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

20-06-08, 21:48
Hi Booble,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you feel and will give their support. I also hate it when my hubby travels. Do you have a support system you can set up while he is away?

Take care,


21-06-08, 11:48
Hello Booble And Welcome.....wish Ya Well........linda

21-06-08, 13:17
Hello Booble

A big warm :welcome: to the site , so glad you found us.

Im sorry your going through this difficult time but I hope you will find support and friendship here to help you get through this.

This is a safe place to talk

take care of you

21-06-08, 14:46
Hi Booble, glad you have found NMP where you will get lots of support from people who know what you are going through. take Care.

21-06-08, 22:17
Hi Booble and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. In my experience people who suffer with anxiety are anything but weak so try not to be hard on yourself. :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

22-06-08, 10:55
Hi Booble

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

22-06-08, 16:00
Hi Booble

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.
Hope we can be of some help.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left as well for loads of advice and tips for coping.

22-06-08, 16:37

Welcome to NMP. Remember if you are feeling a bit yuk when hes gone, just put a posting in here. Im sure someone will be around to talk to you, or even have a look in the chat room?

Emma x

22-06-08, 19:53
Hi Booble,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,