View Full Version : RE : you know you have a Panic Dissorder when

20-06-08, 17:52
RE : you know you have a Panic Dissorder when ...

You hear a plane in the sky and as it gets louder you prepare your self for the worst as you are convinced its a astroid comming to earth to kill us all !

You go to three differnt doctors in one night because the first two didnt tell you what you wanted to hear

you wait for that 'massive pain' in head or chest that is going to make you tumble over

You want to marry a doctor , not for the usual reasons like money ect but because you will then not have wait till you drive to the doctors to hear your diagnosis , you will have one right there on stand by

Your driving at eleven , twelve oclock at night and see that the roads are bussier than usual , you know that something terriable has happend and everyone is running home to their families to say goodby . you just havnt heard bout it yet .

You see a medical show on TV and the next couple of hours you have that disease

you spend hours on the internet checking for your symptoms only to read 'new' symptoms that you now 'relise' you have and the whole prossess starts again

you get angry with your family when one has a headache ect and dont go immediantly to the doctors

you are convinced that when your parents or someone give you a strange look it means they are pychic and can sense something bad is going to happen to you

you start to think that because you always feel like you are going to die that maybe you are pychic and it means you can sense something is going to happen to you

you go in to a family members room and speak to them when they are asleep to make sure they are still alive

when someone you care about says something like "id rather die than wear those pants" you make them take it back

22-06-08, 12:52
Haha ... that was funny ...

I've actually done that: "speak to family members when they are asleep to make sure they are still alive", preferably at night, or I might throw out an arm "just to check". It's not popular; hubby has now moved out into another room because of this...

22-06-08, 12:54
haha i do it alot

ill just say "love you" in the middle of the night

post more if you have any


22-06-08, 12:55
that is soooooooo true! everything u just said there i have felt! u no its stupid but u just cant help it! :blush:

22-06-08, 13:37
i know i feel stupid sometimes but this is my life .
i cant help it i am like this 24 hours a day 7 dyas a week
my sister thinks it is funny ( witch i must admit it is a little)

22-06-08, 14:19
hi lubylou

thats soooooo funny.....i have checked people in the night.....i thought it was only me....

love dawny xxxxx

22-06-08, 15:03
... you light a match just to make sure there isn't a gas leak - you'd rather be on fire than obsess about it any longer.

... you can't finish your drink bcos someone walked past really close and the ice moved - they must have spiked it

... you worry you've under cooked your food and will get poisoned, you manage to eat it but then start to feel funny even tho no-one else does

... if someone tells you a joke in a restuarant you worry that the waitress will think you're laughing a them and will poison your food

... you consider getting a pilots licence just in case both the pilots flying your holiday plane both pass out.

... you worry about spiders/earwigs climbing into your ears while you sleep

... you reposition your husband while he's sleeping bcos you think his airway is restricted

... you get up in the middle of the night to check all the gas appliances are switched off

... you worry that you are (not will fall) asleep while your are driving

25-06-08, 06:06
LOL these are so hilarious! I've totally done the airplane thing before, but I actually thought it's cause the airplane will crash into my house. Sometimes those things get ridiciously loud and I'm like THIS IS IT!!!

I've also done the under-cooked poison check, fear of a spiked drink, fear of being psychic, medical show disease, and the family member check. :D

...you know the escape routes out of any building you go into, just in case something happens

...you worry that somehow unexplicably you will lose your ability to drive and will be at the mercy of oncoming traffic as you car drifts widly around.

...you worry about robbers even if you live in a nice neighborhood and keep large blunt objects in your room (this is a legitamate worry, I suppose, that I've heard a lot of people with no panic problems do)

...feeling the tiniest bit 'off' will ruin your whole day

...not being able to sleep last night of course means you will never be able to sleep again, which will naturally doom you to insanity

14-04-10, 21:26
has anybody got more to add?

just gave me a good giggle...

14-04-10, 22:34
those are so funny because they are mostly so true for me...

here are some more:

- if anyone is more than 5 minutes late then they must be dead in a ditch
-if someone doesn't answer the phone when you expect them to be home then they must also be laying dead on the floor or be trapped by a heavy object
-the phone rings after ten at night and you assume its dreadful news
and my personal favourite....

-you carrry your mobile phone around the house with you, even to the toilet just in case something should happen and you need to call for help

oh and finally
- you go to the loo in public toilets with your foot against the door because you are too scared to lock it!

bonker Suz xx

14-04-10, 22:44
Oh I've thought all of these things, my favourite thing that I do is check my son's breathing, especially if he has been out for a drink! I must tell you though that he is 37 and has come back home for a while because I was so unwell with this blooming illness and now he has let his house for a year so I've got him for another 6 months at least. When he's out and late home I am pacing up and down cos I definitely think something bad has happened to him. When he comes home and has had a drink I get up in the night, go in his room and make sure he is breathing, one night I couldn't hear him so I touched his arm and made him jump out of his skin.

I've been like this since my sons were young and it will never change. He cycles to work and I make him text me to let me know that he has got there safely!!!

I get my neighbour to watch me come in if I am getting off the train late at night because I think someone is going to jump out on me!

Oh so many stupid things, and they are always going to happen to me :-)

What are we like.

All the best to you all

Jannie x x

14-04-10, 23:12
jannie - m 37 and I still speak to my mum and dad every day at least once and make them ring me if they have been out so I know they are home safe - my mother and I are as bad as one another haha!!


14-04-10, 23:35
Some of these are spot on...esp lubylou...totally recognise myself,,,cheered me right up!!

Keep em coming...:mad:

15-04-10, 16:43
Amusing - but actually these are not symptoms of Panic Disorder, they are symptoms of GAD.

15-04-10, 17:58
I think they are meant to make us smile not for self diagnosis :D

15-04-10, 18:19
Ha Ha i love the last one bonker suz I did that once at a carboot in one of those portable loos but the door swung open with me and my trousers down my ankles god i ran back to the car after that! xx

15-04-10, 19:17
oh bless you hannybun - we do some entertaining things fairplay - I even prod the cat sometimes when he is sleeping soundly if I think he isnt breathing properly... he doesnt appreciate it much I cant tell you!!


17-04-10, 18:48
This is so funny and so true. Made me laugh and cheered me up. I do most of the things mentioned, especially the cell phone with me at all times thing :shades:

Oh .. and when I'm out with a friend or family member, and I have to use the bathroom, I usually say, "If I'm not back in 10 mins, come look for me, something's probably wrong."


I woke up in the middle of the night once, there was a pretty bad thunderstorm outside. I thought the Armageddon had come.
When I was a kid my mom had left a pan on the stove, it was making weird noises, and I was convinced the apartment would blow up.

18-04-10, 21:10
Fantastic! MAde me giggle to the point of being breathless!! Of course, I recognise myself in many - I've prodded the pet rats to see if they're breathing and used to do this loads to my mam when I was still living there. The mobile phone is a classic - for me its in case something awful happens to me between rooms so I can call for help!

18-04-10, 23:03
yep short stuff the phone is for that too - I am trying to force myself not to take it to the bathroom with me.... sigh

Going home
19-04-10, 02:47
You know you have panic disorder when you visit the chat room for the first time and then after a few minutes you decide to come out and say bye to the other members in there but you can't find your way out of it (i.e..you don't know what to click onto to get back to the main forum)....and then have a panic attack because your claustrophobia kicked in and you felt trapped, even though its not a real room, but just for a real moment you thought it was. Is that a panic disorder or what :scared15: Do I win? :)

GH xxx

19-04-10, 08:08
Yep I do all of them.I check my dog before i go to sleep.I phone my daughter and hubby every night to make sure they are alive,they are both overseas,my phone bill is well you don't want to know.....I make sure my tablets and water are beside me,check my mobile is charged....gees I can go on and on....:wacko:

19-04-10, 08:33
Hahaha It's the first time i have read this post and im giggling. They are so funny. I can't really add any to be honest, there have been loads.
I think that when we have gale force winds my house will cave in
When we have heavy rain and hail stones the windows will go through
I'm so worried about robbers that i hide all my knives at night time

19-04-10, 11:02
RE: You know you have panic disorder when:

You hear about Volcanic Ash and instantly start to feel you cant breathe!

20-04-10, 21:35
Hehe I do that too! I also always imagine i can't get through to 999 cos it's always engaged lol

21-04-10, 00:03
I have done all of the below...

:doh:Your other half doesn't answer the phone for thirty seconds, so you assume he's dead and start checking the bbc news website for car accidents in the area.:doh:

You notice your hands are looking a little blueish, panic, think there's something horribly wrong with your circulation, decide to jump in a hot shower to get your blood pumping, notice your legs are blueish as well, REALLY panic, jump in the shower, notice that the water running down the drain is blueish, and then notice the rain-soggy jeans on the floor that aren't colourfast yet because they're brand new. :doh:

Assume every plane flying low over your house is going to crash into it, even after six months of living under a flightpath near an airport. :doh: Been a blissfully quiet few days...

The life-threatening rash you've developed turns out to be the red wine you spilled at dinner. :doh:

Check your windows are closed and locked at least three times before bed, despite living on the second floor. :doh:

Lock yourself into your room, incase you sleepwalk out of the flat, down the stairs and into the street. Then realise that you've locked your door from the inside and your housemate will not be able to get to you if, for example, the flat is on fire and you are unconcious, so unlock the door and set an obstacle course to trip and wake you if you sleepwalk, despite the fact that, to your knowledge, you have never sleepwalked. :doh:

When in the flat alone check every room is empty before going to bed, ending with your own, then check the wardrobe and under the bed, and barricade the door such that an intruder would knock down a pile of stuff, make a noise and wake you. Panic when your other half comes in at 3AM, knocks down your barricade and bruises himself. :doh:

Drink every 'calming' herbal tea under the sun, then worry about certain combinations of herbs having damaging effects and looking up all the ingredients on the internet for side effects and allergy symptoms. :doh:

21-04-10, 22:40
this has made me giggle, my best one was not being able to put my little one in her high chair when she ate incase something happened to me and she was left in there all day! but then what would she get up to if she was out of the high chair, fingers in plug socket? playing with kitchen knifes? getting out front door? god it had me in circles!:ohmy:

22-04-10, 10:42
-you carrry your mobile phone around the house with you, even to the toilet just in case something should happen and you need to call for help

bonker Suz xx

LOL - I've done this SO many times!

22-04-10, 18:04
This is my first Forum visit and my god I feel so relieved to know that it's not just me!
I do loads of the above - never leaving knives out at bed time, checking on the dogs, poking my partner to check he's breathing because his chest isn't rising that high, trying to decide if I should lock the doors when I have a shower in case I fall over and bang my head beacuse I might get dizzy, and my faveorite, going to the toilet and taking the mobile! 9 times out of 10 I take the house phone to just incase the network has a failure as we are in a poor signal area :roflmao:

Danni :)

22-04-10, 20:18
I have done so many of these things!!! You have to laugh don't you?!
I was sitting with my back to the bin lorry as it was going past my house with it's light flashing on top. (I didn't realize it was there) I saw the flashing light reflection on the wall and was sure something awful was happening to me and that I was about to go blind any minute. I felt such a fool when I discovered what it was!!!!:blush: I didn't stop shaking for ages though!!!

22-04-10, 22:44
I have done so many of these things!!! You have to laugh don't you?!
I was sitting with my back to the bin lorry as it was going past my house with it's light flashing on top. (I didn't realize it was there) I saw the flashing light reflection on the wall and was sure something awful was happening to me and that I was about to go blind any minute. I felt such a fool when I discovered what it was!!!!:blush: I didn't stop shaking for ages though!!!

Judy, I feel the same whenever I see flashing lights I go into one :doh: x

24-04-10, 00:00
Im so glad Im not the only crazy person who freaks out about having the mobiler with me - I even get edgy if I have to put it on a surface where I couldnt reach it if I was on the floor - the number of times I have nearly dropped it down the loo...... sigh


24-04-10, 20:56
I use to do so many of these same things. Now that I am feeling better, maybe only a half dozen of these funny habits !

I used to get up 2 or 3 times during the night to see if my parakeet had escaped his cage or a cat got in and ate him ! lol

24-04-10, 21:11
.... when you worry about sleeping on a water bed, in case you get pins and needles in the night.

05-07-11, 16:45
I'm resurrecting this thread because it really warms my heart to get some laughter out of this awful affliction...
You know you have an anxiety disorder when:
-you use three different clean forks to stir food when reheating a meal, one for when it's just out the fridge, one for when it's half way through cooking and one for when it's piping hot
- You burn your mouth numerous times checking food is piping hot
- you strictly follow use by dates on food, if it's 12.01 midnight on the 4th July and the use by date is the 4th July, you have to throw it out
- you've heard the term 'wear matching underwear in case you get knocked over' but you don't because that is just to horrible to imagine so don't want to 'make it happen'
-Before you go out you check you have the normal things like keys, money, phone, but also essentials like 3 different types of medication, a drink, some snacks in case your blood sugar gets low and the name and phone number of your Doctor- just in case
- If you send a text to a casual friend who doesn't reply right away they must be angry with you so you start to think about how you'll just have to get on with life without their friendship until they text back the next hour saying their battery was dead
- You get angry at people who let their battery go dead because you might need them urgently!!
-If you're in bed and hear a drip you have to get up to find it's source in case the house floods

05-07-11, 18:22
you pull the plug out of the bath quickly when you fear you might faint and end up drowning

you take you're temperature with a digital ear thermometer when feeling a bit dodgy to rule out fever but when one ear is normal, take it in the other ear just in case it's only half developed and hasn't spread to the other side of your body

grab the kids when a helicopter flies over in case it's crashing in to the house, hopefully have enough time to make a run for it

you study clouds over the horizon to see if they could or have developed into a tornado

05-07-11, 21:23
Thank you so much everyone for making me laugh so hard......

You are going to take those anxiety meds to calm down, but you panic and worry the meds might do something funny to you, you feel so panicked by that thought, that you do actually take the meds then spend hours waiting for "the something funny" to happen.

In the end you feel so frightened and the panic has risen to such great heights, that you take another tablet but then you worry you've over dosed, even though the doctor said you can take three if need be...but then what does he/she know? So scared, you do take the third one and then as you wonder if you'll die this night
you start to feel so drugged up and drift off into a sedated sleep

05-07-11, 23:45
You go out in the sun and get a *slight* tan
yet you're sure it must be jaundice.

06-07-11, 12:05
- You use three different clean forks to stir food when reheating a meal, one for when it's just out the fridge, one for when it's half way through cooking and one for when it's piping hot
- Before you go out you check you have the normal things like keys, money, phone, but also essentials like 3 different types of medication, a drink, some snacks in case your blood sugar gets low and the name and phone number of your Doctor - just in case

Vicky, these two things are so me! Thanks for posting them, I don't feel like such a weirdo now :roflmao:

Laura xx

06-07-11, 13:13
LOL love the marry a doctor one!!! :D i have thought that many times!

06-07-11, 16:54
-you carrry your mobile phone around the house with you, even to the toilet just in case something should happen and you need to call for help

This is my main one - I even have to take it to the loo with me at work when the chances are there'll be someone in there in a minute anway. And even if there isn't I know someone will come looking for me if I'm gone too long (not in a 'get back to work' way - they know I go 'hide' if I'm struggling!)

and lots of the others too!

This site is so good for letting you know there's plenty of other people just as crazy :D

06-07-11, 21:00
these are cracking me up! thought id share a few of my own personal qddities...

....you see a group of sky lanterns, and immediately conclude that they are an armada of alien come to zap you up!

....someone accidentally knocks into you on the bus, htis you take as a pesonal affront and carry it with you ALL DAY, you convince yourself that you must have hurt them in a previous life!
so many more i cant think of right now, ohhh the fun we have everyday in our minds!!
Beck x

06-07-11, 21:17
loving this thread so much ........:D:D

dog getting panicky now with me laughing so much while on pc .

Posh Do : sweating buckets and shaking and no way out no matter how much I cry .

How do you fit into an evening bag : lavender oil ,paper bag . bottle of water . address book with safe peoples numbers in , notebook with affirmations in, snack in case blood sugar gets low , mints ........ fold up walking stick in case legs feel they are going to give way and need prop ......mobile and charger [just in case I get marooned ]
and a huge wad of tissues ????? cos boy I am going to cry at some point .

going to market one and take it to The Dragons Den [well not me actually but I will find someone ] :blush:

06-07-11, 21:51
loving this thread so much ........:D:D

dog getting panicky now with me laughing so much while on pc .

Posh Do : sweating buckets and shaking and no way out no matter how much I cry .

How do you fit into an evening bag : lavender oil ,paper bag . bottle of water . address book with safe peoples numbers in , notebook with affirmations in, snack in case blood sugar gets low , mints ........ fold up walking stick in case legs feel they are going to give way and need prop ......mobile and charger [just in case I get marooned ]
and a huge wad of tissues ????? cos boy I am going to cry at some point .

going to market one and take it to The Dragons Den [well not me actually but I will find someone ] :blush:

lol snow i like the dragons den idea, we need a mary poppins type bag with never ending space! my bag is so heavy it hurts my shoulder lol

06-07-11, 23:38
SnowGoose, If I bring a small bag I make sure to bring a jacket with deep pockets for all my safety gear :)

When you excited by a wind up flash light because it never needs battery's .

You keep all your safety gear beside your bed at night including the flashlight.

You make sure your mobile always has a full battery .

You always have a stash of emergency money hidden some where,

You have the odd urge to see your doctor because it's been a while but you can't think of any reason to go!

You have had a fear of having an allergic reaction to pretty much everything at some point.

You think everyone is going to attack you.

You get nervous going to the bank in case threes suddenly a bank robbery and you know
you wouldn't cope with being locked up in the vault.

you're so claustrophobic that watching people using elevators makes you feel breathless.

Going to the cinema is not fun anymore it's sensory over lode.

06-07-11, 23:55
I've been growing my hair and it's almost waist length now, but I've not adjusted to it being long in my mind.

So now every time I move my hair touches my arms and I freak out and start swatting the spider!!


07-07-11, 22:13
So now every time I move my hair touches my arms and I freak out and start swatting the spider!!


Hahaa I have shoulder length hair and do this all the time!! lol

lucy devine
08-07-11, 04:26
haha i love this thread, has made me feel more 'normal' hahah
one of mine is when i think i'm having an allergic reaction to something i worry whether i should take a piriton antihistimine but then panic that i will be allergic to the tablet supposedly helping my other allergic reaction!!! gahhhh