View Full Version : Hi new

20-06-08, 17:57
Hi I 25 am new to this board I suffer from depression and social anxiety. After my abusive relationship of over 5 years broke up, I realise how alone and depressed I am. I have no friends (they left long ago after my ex didnt like them) and I spend all my days alone.
I never realised so many others had depression and social anxiety so at least I alone in that. I am not sure what else to say sorry if it all seems so negative.

20-06-08, 18:14
hiya and welcome i too suffer soical anxiety a mild form and used to have depression. i am having cbt and its really helping me to have more confidence and think differently. its well worth having it i think. welldone for getting out of an abusive relationship as these types of releationships do drag u down to the point of u feeling worthless, but u r not. to help the dep and anxiety u need to keep busy and keep to a routine every day doing daily stuff and not giving yourself to much thinking time. exercise too got rid of my dep and i still brisk walk every day, but even doing a vid or dvd in doors is great i started out doing that and after month or so u will begin to feel positive, motivated and happier. i know u feel really crap but it will get better, also talking and writing it down helps loads so keep posting and we will do our best here to give u advice and support hugs xxx

20-06-08, 18:27
Hi NeonPink and welcome to nmp, I'm sure you will meet many new friends on here and find people you can really relate to.

Take care


20-06-08, 19:00
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

20-06-08, 21:47

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and will give their support.

Take care,


milly jones
21-06-08, 10:48
hi pink

i have sa and depression too so ur def not alone hun

welcome to nmp

good to meet u

milly xxx

21-06-08, 11:04
hi pink

welcome along to Nmp.

Pooh x

21-06-08, 11:46
Hello Neon Pink And Welcome.......wish Ya Well.........linda

21-06-08, 13:21
Hello Neon Pink

So glad you posted to us,:welcome: to the right place to be.

It saddens me to think there are so many people out there thinking they are the only ones and feel alone with this illness. Your here now talk to us and we are here for you.

Look forward to talking to you sometime

take care of you

21-06-08, 22:15
Hi NeonPink and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. Don't worry about sounding negative and feel free to post how you feel as that's what the site's here for at the end of the day.

Take care,

Mike :)

22-06-08, 03:16
you dont have to be alone here why not come in the chat room one day all nice people and take your mind off things

22-06-08, 09:55
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. keep posting with what ever is troubling you and we will help as much as we can. hope to talk to you soon in chat

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


22-06-08, 10:39
Hi NeonPink

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

22-06-08, 16:07
Hi Neonpink

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.
Hope we can be of some help.

Have a good read of the website pages on the left as well for loads of advice and tips for coping.

22-06-08, 16:09

Welcome to NMP :-)

Emma x

22-06-08, 20:10
Hi NeonPink,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,