View Full Version : Ache in cheekbones

20-06-08, 20:56
I have anxiety, and IBS. I have just been put on Cipralex for the anxiety, and I am waiting for that to take hold.

But at the moment I have, along with the abdominal pain, an ache in my cheekbones, and back ache. I am hoping this is normal , and not the sign of something more serious. Last time I was ill with my anxiety, I had pains in my arms and legs, and thought I had DVT.

I explained all my problems to the GP and she prescribed the meds again, so I should just trust her, and believe its just anxiety. But its hard, I know all you guys will agree.

eternally optimistic
20-06-08, 21:44
Hi Karen,

Im no doctor, but that sounds like something I had.

That sounds like something I had. I went twice to the dentist,
yep twice - hate it!, regarding aching jaw, was convinced I
had problems with my teeth.

Second time I went, he said it was due to stress. I had no
idea there was connection. It then came to light that I was suffering from anxiety.

Its probably just your body reacting the anxiety. If your not convinced,
check it out with your Doc.

Bye for now.


20-06-08, 22:19
Thanks for your thoughts :)
This forum is the only place I can just blurt out how I feel and know there will be sympathetic responses from those who understand how this feels.


20-06-08, 22:33
Hiya kaz i can relate to the cheak ache , i found mine was because i was tenseing my jaw a lot ( didnt realise i was for a while) due to anx and stress. my mucsles were over tight in that area.

take care
